
I have been asking this question, and also got wonderful ans , but it did not work on my son,he is ?

by  |  earlier

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now 23 months with only 21 pounds of weight.but is happy and active all the time.

hw does not want to eat, and has only 2 meals a day, with lot of difficulty.

Can anybody help................

I need something so that I can feed him little , which has more calories.Alos he does not eat Avacado...




  1. Maybe his stomach hurts, he probably has gas. That happens to my 2-month-old nephew. There's special drops for babies that have gas.

  2. Have you talked to his doctor about this?

    If he is eating at least two meals a day, does he snack?

    It sounds like he may not need the extra right now.  When he goes through a growth spurt his appetite will pick up.

    But talk to his doc about it if you are that concerned.

  3. Sound like something with his stomach. Does he even snack on sweets? If not then I would assume it is something with his tummy.  

  4. wow thats really bad, i dont mean to scare you but your son shold be in a hospital. take him to one ASAP, babies that weigh 23 pounds should be anywhere from 6-9 months old

  5. He's Probably drinking too much.. do you give him milk or juice? if so cut down on that and make him eat real food. I bet he wants to be outside all day playing and not want to be bothered for meal time.

  6. Instead of feeding him a full meal a couple of times a day, let him eat smaller meals or healthy snacks several times a day.  If he's walking around snacking all day, so be it.  At least he'll be getting a healthy amount of food into him.  Some toddlers do better if they can "free range it" (meaning eat many times a day instead of at set meal times).   Also, you should supplement his diet with Pediasure or something like it so that he's getting all the nutrients he needs.  I'm assuming you've taken him to a pediatrician.  If you haven't, you need to.  

  7. try those ensure drinks for kids.. they have lots of nutrition and vitamins.

  8. been to the pediatrician??? maybe they can check his "insides" or reccomend some type of supplement to put sme weight on your little man

  9. This is a question for your doctor.  There could be something going on internally that is making him not eat.  Wish I could help more, but that's what I would do.  Good luck.

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