
I have been asking this question and people say i have ocd..?

by Guest44670  |  earlier

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but look others feel it too! and i m having this for the past four years..thinking of air coming out from a container..and you will feel light headed and you could talk better..i dont have ocd okay..i think it is normal..just that now i dont know how to look at containers like i used to..since i discover this..all change..everything change in my makes me change who i am as it could make me talk better..what do you think i should do..since it is a fact..refer to this..




  1. Quite frankly, I am stumped.  My advice is to tell this to a doc or a school counselor.  It is time for you to take control of these ideas.  A professional will help you see these thoughts clearly for whatever they are.  It's time to talk to someone.  

  2. hunny your not OCD. you would have more symptoms of it. But everyone now and then gets invading thoughts, i get them often, I'm not sure bout the whole air in the contair thing, but I'm sure its no big deal, i think your just anxious. Mabey talk to you parents or a mentor, someone older that knows you better

    The internet will just confuse you and make you more worried about yourself.  

  3. hmmm?? I saw no mention of OCD.........maybe you should tell your parents.

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