
I have been assigned the task of finding community service ideas for an 89 year old man. Any suggestions??

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I have been assigned the task of finding community service ideas for an 89 year old man. Any suggestions??




  1. Good luck . I like the first persons idea.

    Let him go to the convalescent homes and chat.

  2. Nearest Museum, Nearest Arboratum, Public radio/Public television and Nearest Historic Society are some ideas I suggest as enjoyable and fulfilling  for this person, (depending on where he lives. Long distance driving may or may not be an option in which case local historic Societies of any & every town are other inetersting palces to look up to.

  3. If he has any interest in children, it would be nice for him to talk to small groups of children and share with them the way things were when he was the same age.  Believe it or not, kids really like to hear about times before toys required electricity.  Since our lives are so mobile these days, many children never have a chance to talk with older people about their experiences as youngsters.

    I think any opportunity to share 89 years of life experience and memories would be valuable.

  4. Go to a home and have him talk to the old people there.

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