
I have been babysitting a 3year old my cousin for just 3 days and she is a BRAT?

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  1. Try and put her in time out.  Have you discussed this with the mother yet?

  2. Sit down with her and actually ask her what she wants to do, depends on the time of day you could do some cooking and involve her in the process. Take her to the park if possible. Because she is your cousin she know that she can take advantage of you.

    Next time she screams say stop and if that doesn't work turn you back on her. If you ignore the bad behaviour and reward the good she might come around.

    You could also put on a child's movie and sit down with some pop corn most kids just love movies

    good luck pp

  3. Have u tried puttin her in time out or talkin to her mother about her behavior?

  4. talk to the parents about it and try to give her alot of attention, and disciplin when necessary. dont let her get away with it!

  5. Your best bet is time out. A quite place that you put her when she misbehaves. Do NOT spank her, and tell her mom how she is acting. Also make her tell you what she did wrong when you let her out of time outand that she is sorry, 3 minutes or less, is the approprate time for a three year old.

    Rewarding her for good behavior may help. She will want to act better. Maybe with stickers or something she likes. She is testing you and she may also be bored, kids like stucture, whether they know it or not.

  6. how about you make a deal with her, promise her a toy or an ice cream if she'll keep out of trouble for a day. Kids love presents, and it will be a good deed. And you can probably discipline her too. Or promise her  a trip to the park if she'll behave herself. Hope this helps. Take care.

  7. Watch Super Nanny!!! She is awesome!

  8. Get used to the noise if she behaves this way and time outs and taking away toys don't work then just let her do what she does best. as long as you know she is not hungry,  or she is not hurting herself(i.e. the banging of the head) then just let her cry. if she bites you bite her back. Thats what i did with my 2 year old. she bited no longer she knows how it feels. Patience is a virtue when it comes to children good luck.

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