
I have been called for jury duty, but it is while I am having a vacation, can I get out of it?

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I have been called for Jury duty, but I booked a trip two months ago at a Disney Resort and the day I report for jury duty is the same day I will be on vacation. My vacation would be 4 days long, and it is in two weeks. I got a call for jury duty in the mail today, is there anyway I can get out of it?




  1. It is possible to get out of it if you can show it would be a burden or hardship to you.  If your vacation is non-refundable that would be a hardship and you can defer to another jury pool.

  2. no, but you might be able to get a refund on your tickets when you show that you had jury duty.

    i feel really bad for you

  3. Oh yes there is away, In the county that I live in there is a phone number that you can call and it tells you weather you do or do not ahve to come a few days before, like that get the problem resolved. Another ways is to go talk to the clerk of court and let him know, or if you have a good family doctor call him tell him you are not feeling well and My doctor will give me doctor excuse for what ever so see if yours will.

  4. I wrote to them and said i could not find anyone guilty,,,,,they excused me,,,,,,,

  5. Go to the Clerk of Court's office. Don't phone... GO! Bring with you something, anything, that has the date that trip was booked on it. Bring any other paperwork you might have. Also take your letter sent by the Clerk. They may need to refer to a code number on the letter.

    If the Clerk isn't available (I don't know how big your county is; mine is pretty small) then ask to meet with the person in charge of selecting the Jury Pool.

    When you meet with that person, tell them that you had booked your trip two months ago, before you knew that you would be summoned for Jury Duty. Show him/her your paperwork.

    Tell the person that you are more than willing to serve on the jury, and ask if there is a way to get your service delayed until after your vacation. Be sure to do this, it shows that you are willing to serve.

    If you aren't busy for a few days, ask if the service can be moved FORWARD... go ahead and get it done before going on vacation. If you want to offer that, dress nice. The clerk may say "That'll work, we're drawing a jury in twenty minutes!" And you don't want to look like a slob in the courtroom.

    Usually the Clerk will be willing to reschedule you, especially if you let them know that you are more than willing to go into the Jury Pool once you return.

  6. Yes, you can.

    You can do one of two things.

    On the jury summons there is a phone number, dial the number and tell them that you would like to postpone your jury service until you get back.

    If they do not let you postpone it, show up at court and show your tickets to the judge, make sure it shows the date it was purchased.

    Usually, if you have tickets in hand they'll let you go, if you say something like I'm going on vacation, they'll ask have you bought tickets yet? if you say no, (Remember you are under oath, and you may be charged with perjury if you cannot provide evidence if you say yes) then they'll say tough luck.

    Generally, when you are summoned you are not on a jury, you still have to be selected, the first day is usually a lot of waiting to see if  a court is ready for jurors.  You are then sometimes asked to fill out some hardship forms which the lawyers and judge review OR the judge will ask is there anyone who has a hardship and cannot serve at this time.  The judge will then ask you what it is and either release you or not.  (this when you show them your tickets)

    Anyway, try the calling first to postpone your assignment as this is usually the easier than playing roulette with the judge.

  7. You need to immediately call the jury board and explain. They will probably advise you on writing a letter asking for an exception or rearrangement of your time - that is often possible, in most jurisdictions.

  8. You might be able to defer your jury duty to a latter date.

  9. no, but you might be able to get a refund on your tickets when you show that you had jury duty.

  10. You can defer the date of your jury duty up to one year, it should have a box for that right on the form they mailed you.  you can even pick the date!

  11. Theres a small chance you wont be picked

  12. Generally, a vacation is not an acceptable excuse for getting out of jury duty

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