
I have been consdiering going to a place called the Budo Karate House, does it sound like a scam, or real deal

by  |  earlier

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I have been thinking about this for a while and still haven't sent in my 20 bucks, I think it might be a scam but more importantly until know I haven't really believed I would havre been commited enough to complete the three years. I have decided that humanitarainism doesn't extend to those humans who wish to compete in hand to hand combatives so it is not a moral hypocrisy. Plus I need to burn.I would go do what Mas Oyama did but I have not the funds or the land to do this. Please check out the site and give me your feedback i think it is.THX




  1. Hi there...the site I found with that address didnt seem like a scam. It seemed pretty up and up. Can't comment about the skill levels but the rest seemed fine to me...

    (For those that can't read Japanese, the one pic where he is holding the mic and "translating" is legit. And the links to the other pics are all real and true to form... I have been to a couple big tourneys here in Japan...)

    The challenge seems to be a super tough one though... Good luck!

  2. sounds like a scam to me

  3. Come on man, your Kyokushin!  you should know better.  Ofcource its a scam

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