
I have been considering studying abroad...I would like to go to spain or italy, any experiences?

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I have been considering studying abroad...I would like to go to spain or italy, any experiences?




  1. I say go for it. I haven't done it myself but I know a few people that went to Italy to study and they really loved it

  2. I actually studied in Costa Rica for 7 months with the University of Kansas/Universidad de Costa Rica program. I chose to go to CR over Spain bec. there are more people from latin america in the USA than there are from Spain (and the Spanish is a bit different as far as accents and slang). I had the most wonderful experience of my life and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  3. I am studying in France I think it would be a great experience to go study in Italy or Spain!

  4. I just got back from 2 months studying in Florence, Italy. It was absolutely fantastic. I cannot stress enough what a wonderful experience it is to live and learn in another country. I didn't speak a word of Italian upon arrival so I decided to take classes in English. I lived in the heart of the city in an apartment right next to the Santa Maria Novella church. It was beautiful and always exciting. I traveled all over Italy and Europe to places like Venice, London, and Frankfurt. It was just great and I recommend studying in Florence. You don't have to pay for subways there and there is a VERY VERY vibrant nightlife.  

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