
I have been dating this guy for 4 months we want to get married but our families say wait what do think?

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we have been dating for 4 months and we want to get married our famlies are telling us to wait we are both in our 20's

wha should we do?




  1. follow your heart

  2. If you get married now. It will be at your expence. <}:-})

  3. your families dont think that you should cause its too soon...youve been dating for 4 months..they want you to get to know one another better..

    but you guys know whats in your hearts and what you want to do...

    follow your heart and you cant go wrong..

    good luck

  4. i think you should wait a little longer... at least a year.

    after a year thats when things start to possiblly get rocky...

    so just wait a few more months and see what happends.

    better safe than sorry. =]

  5. my wife and I dated 1 month..everyone said we would never make it...that was 16 years ago..still provin em wrong

  6. A person's true colors always seem to come out after about a year, so if I were you, I'd wait at least that long. :-)

  7. Im in my 20's I say go for it!

  8. What's the rush lol?? I think you should really think seriously about this one... To be honest 4 months is not long enough to consider a full time commitment, it's way too soon!

  9. What's the point of rushing into it? It's best to wait a little bit to make sure he is the one.

  10. Whats the rush if you truly love each other that wont change but if it's just lust it will fall apart and cause more problems if your married than if your not.

  11. fu@k~um.... young love Rocks! ( and your only getting older every day)

  12. you should wait.  you have not gone  through enough of life yet to see how you will handle things.  you need to go through fights, family issues, money issues, how do you spend christmas, etc. to see how the two of you will deal with what life has to throw at you.  right now everything is perfect, and life is far from perfect.  you need time to get to know each other through tough times.  believe me, that is the real test of a relationship.....when there isn't enough money, families are both pulling at you and you both want to give up.

    take a step back and really look at him.  is he really who you want to spend the next 50 years with?  is what you're looking for in a husband at 20 what you will want at 40?  what do you want from life?  a family?  to raise your kids in your faith?  to have a house?  to work or be a housewife?  these are all things you need to think about and discuss.

  13. I think you should take your time:  Maybe set a tentative date like six - nine months out and get to know each other better.  Marriage is supposed to be a lifetime commitment;  if you truly love each other, your love will be survive the wait; otherwise, you'll learn it wasn't meant to be. . . Good Luck!

  14. In lots of relationships the "infatuation" stage, where you love everything about that person and want to spend all your time with them, can last up to 6 months and sometime even longer. If you guys are already talking bout getting hitched, sounds like your both still in the infatuation stage. If i were you, i would wait at least until the 8 month mark and if you still feel the same then go for it. Plus, if your families pay for the wedding, youd look pretty stupid if your guys split up a few months later...

    But this is just my thought...

  15. If I were you I would wait. Think about what you are getting into. 4 months ....that's not a long time to get to know someone. What can you know about him in 4 months? I''ve been with my husband for 6 years and we got married 2 years ago. This is something not to be taken lightly and if I were you I woudl really least a year at LEAST


    4 months is not enough time.  If waiting causes your relationship to fail, then it wasn't very strong anyway.  Despite how many treat marriage today,  it is supposed to be a LIFETIME COMMITMENT, and 4 months is not enough time.  

    Take the commitment of marriage seriously enough to make sure . .


  17. If you are engaged, you don't have to get married right away.  Most engagements last a year or two (it takes time to plan a wedding).  In that time, if it doesn't work out, then you don't have to marry him.  But if your heart is telling you "yes" right now, then there is no harm in getting engaged.  

    My husband and I talked about marriage the first week we met ( we were early 20's)...we got engaged 6 mos later, married 2 yrs from when we met.  We have now been together 6 yrs & are going strong!  I think you know in your heart if he is "the right one".  Good Luck!

  18. It really does depend. Are you both not only compatible mentally and spiritually. If not, forget it. As for the age, your not too young, but the truth is that you do grow up quick during your 20's. Your family probably knows best and it shouldn't hurt to wait - but it will hurt to jump in too quick. If your a Christian, pray and ask God, He made it very clear for the first few guys that I almost married (I'm so glad I listened, I waited and they turned out, all to my surprise to be jerks, to put it lightly, in the long run, or they simply not grown enough - like started to do drugs). Point is when I prayed, things happened. When I met my husband, we knew right away, when we prayed, things happened that pushed us together, not apart. (to quickly mention, he moved into the apartment under me, he got my mail and that only happened once, and when I prayed to God on a subject like kids, s*x or finances my man would ask me the very next time I saw him). I could go on but this is about you.

    You may want to consider a long engagement, besides a wedding is something that need time to plan, believe me they take longer than you may think and I used to put together lg military parties, and it still surprised me. you want to have time to have fun with it.

    Hope this helps, congrats on meeting your new guy, enjoy getting to know each other. I hope you are both as happy as my husband and I are - I forgot to mention, I'm a newlywed (5mo).

    Ps. I recommend a book called "101 Questions to ask before you get engaged". My hubby and I when we were already engaged really enjoyed the book and found it great to help us know we went over common major concerned that people should be aware of before marrying.

  19. i think u should wait a little longer maybe a year or so. pace ur self get to know eachother a little better. b/cause trust me things change once u get married. marriage is nothing like a relationship. it is alot to take into considereation: do both families get along,money and how it is spent,children who will be the disciplinarian,talk about it a little longer especially on the issues of importance.

  20. You two should listen to your families and get to know each other a lot better.   Like you say, you're in your twenties.   Careers just starting, places to live coming up and you want to add to that.    50% of divorces end due to money reasons.  Think about it and do not become a STAT.

  21. Do what YOU feel is right. My son amd his wife got married three weeks after they met and have been married for 4 years. They found each other and knew it was right, it still is, they are still gloriously happy. Your families aren't the ones getting married and starting a life, YOU are so do what your heart dictates.

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