
I have been diagnosed with I.B.S (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),is it alright for me to fast during Ramadan?

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I was diagnosed with this about a month ago and suffer terrible spasm pains in my back and abdomen.I usually drink Aloe Vera juice and Danone Actimel drinks to ease the pain.

Does anybody have any suggestions?




  1. You should be fine.  My fiancee has irrtable bowel syndrome and it's such a broad disease.  A syndrome is just something that reports similar symptoms... but you and ten other people with IBS can all have different causes.  

    Generally with the disease it's what you DO eat that causes the problem, not what you don't.  One day of no food is sometimes helpful and cleansing.  I find with my fiancee a lot of times stress will set it off, or worrying about the IBS (aka, being in a car for a while will make him think "What if I have to go and we're on the highway?" and that will make him have to go)

    Have you gone to a gastroenterologist? They can often find the reason and put you on something like Asacol (there is actually a new one out too that is once a day- but I can't remember the name).

    Good luck!  I know it's a hard disease to deal with. :(

  2. No you shouldnt fast cos it may make you quite ill, with IBS you need to get a regular healthy tolerable diet set up, which your doc should help you with. I always understood that pregnant women/elderly/sick were excused from fasting anyway during Ramadan.

  3. Im not an expert but I dont think you should fast as your body wont be used to not having food for a while, and will s***w up your bodys scheduale, your body will expect food at a certain time and not get it.

    Im just geussing Im not an expert.

    Isnt that what Ben Stiller has in Along Came Polly? Thats  good film, if you havnt seen it you should. Its has Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston.

  4. The best person to ask is your Doctor / Imam. If your GP is not Muslim explain what Ramadan is,and also speak to your Imam there is probably a dispensation from fasting if one is unwell  

  5. I'm sure that your God will sort you out - he is a just God after all - isn't he!  Understanding/tolerant and all that stuff......?


  6. I think illness like that is one of the exceptions that excuse you from fasting during the Ramadan. I'm sure you can do other things to make up for your having food - help out at a charity or something, helping other people surely makes up for not being able to fast for health reasons?

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