
I have been dizzy since this morning follow by headache.?

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i have been feeling dizzy, light headed, on an off headaches, and low back pain. i am not stress about anything and i checked my blood pressure and that is fine, i've been eating right. i have waved all the things that can cause these things to happen. have anyone had this happen to them and if so what was the problem.




  1. i would say the low back pain and the headaches are unrelated. get the back and headaches checked by a doc. Lower back pain could be anything from a bruised kidney to constipation. Most likely, dizziness and headache is from low blood sugar, or low sodium (have you been drinking too much water??). dizziness can also be attributed to migraines. either way, its a good idea to go to a doc.

  2. Have you kept your fluid level up?  If not, try drinking water or Gatorade. You might be a little dehydrated.  Sometimes, these symptoms will occur before a woman's "cycle", too.  If it continues, you should definitely go to the doctor because it could also be a Urinary Tract Infection, more commonly known as a bladder infection.  Usually when someone has a bladder infection, the lower back will hurt really bad, right behind the kidneys.  But it could a lot of things.  Your doctor knows best :)

  3. Maybe you're just getting sick...

    Like maybe the flu?

    If it continues within the next few days I would go see the doc!

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