
I have been fined for overspeeding to 85 in a 65 mph zone. I am leaving US in a month. What should I do?

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This is my first and probably last ticket before I come back to US again.




  1. I would pay the ticket, if you need more time to pay it they will give it to you! Or if you want to pay it in advance, Iam sure this also can be done!

    You can never know what the future will bring, example like not paying it at all. then at a later time you return and are pulled over by the police for something innocent, ( like a light out) and then are arrested because you failed to pay a ticket! It happens! Hope this helps, good luck!

  2. Pay it. They'll get you when you come back and it'll be a lot more expensive.

  3. Leave your car home

  4. pay it

  5. Pay the fine as any law-abiding person would do.  If I broke the law in your country, I suspect you'd want me to pay the penalty.

  6. Pay the ticket!  Contact the courts and if you have to pay some and make payments do that...but by leaving the US and not paying it you will have a warrant out for you and the consequences will be much greater when and if they find you or you return.  

    Perhaps also learn to slow down and avoid getting speeding tickets by obeying the speed limit.  Getting a speeding ticket is minor to what possibly could of happened going that fast in a slower speeding zone!

  7. It will be a good ideat to pay the ticket, you can just mail in the fine.  failure to pay the ticket could complicate your return to the US.

  8. paid the fine, there will be a warrant issued if not paid, and if and when you come back to the states and you happen to be stopped by the police you will be fined a heavy price and possible jail time

  9. Pay it now for go to jail when you finally come back along with a heavier fine tacked to it......

  10. PAY IT !!!!!!!!

  11. If you are planing to come back, you had better pay it before you leave. If you don't pay it, when you come back there will be a warrent for your arrest.

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