
I have been given a radio show but I have no idea for things do to on it.?

by Guest57481  |  earlier

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I can play music and chat, I want 50/50 of that but I have no idea for features or things to do on my show.




  1. Do what Kenny Everett used to do on his show and talk in funny voices.

    Or introduce some new local bands and play their stuff - who knows, some labels might be listening!

  2. can i work on the show? its my dream job

  3. is this a college station or NPR?  Still weird to not give you a layout of how they want things done  .. . . i would start watching CNN, E!, and listening to your competition for ideas. I would chat less and play music more. . .  what about sponsors?

  4. ask yourself do people really want that? i know i would not, but then it depends at of the age of your listeners, it is about knowing what they want

    regards x Kitti x

  5. Listen to a few stations to get some ideas but for godsake don't copy Edith Bowman. She is complete pants.

  6. how about shut up and play music

    do you think anyone actually wants to listen to a poncy dj talk about utter c**p?

    I couldnt care less about your opinions, what you did last night, whether its raining or not, just play bloody music!

    DJ's are never funny, or interesting .. just annoying

  7. Here's a talking point:

    Also, if you go to the home page of that site : you can do a pop nostalgia bit.  Pop culture gets people in opposite corners of arguments, but keeps it all free of the sticky wickets that are politics and religion (well, usually anyway!)

    Good luck!

  8. When you dry up with ideas tell them that god is going to talk..............wait for a minute or so and say it's either a bad line or he's not there. This could be a running gag, very popular with Atheists and a winner for agnostics!

  9. Weird. Didn't you audition? Well, they're the ones who hired you so do what you want, and see if you get a pink slip or a raise.

  10. I take it its a community station ?

    you need to find a format for your show then...

    get your entertainment stories from here.

    your news from here

    if you need any more help contact me

    good luck

  11. do:

    guess the tune

    guess the celeb

    current events for the day

    national what day?

    half hour 60's music

    half hour 80's music

    do a weekly plan of events for each show and stick to it.. if you find something else use it in the following weeks plan..

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