
I have been going out with this girl and im only in 7th grade. how can we get to that point so we can kiss?

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I have been going out with this girl and im only in 7th grade. how can we get to that point so we can kiss?




  1. try asking her. just be strong and prepared for the answer. being that you may get all nervous if she says yes. and you may get disappointed if she says no. but you'll get to kissing girls soon enough. just hang in there. we've all been there!

  2. You should not kiss. And you should not go out even with a girl when you are only on the 7th grade. Stop it right now.

  3. try to create a moment.

    ask her out on a date and say something romantic, and then just lean in and kiss!

    creating a moment is the best way to break that barrier.

    rose m, you are stupid.

    i have been dating since grade six.

    you think that they don't understand romance just because they are only twelve.

    just LEAVE and keep your agist comments to yourself.

  4. dude, yer way to young to kiss.

  5. You need to set up a date with her where your parents drive you both to a movie or to hang out somewhere (safe).  Preferably do not pick somewhere that your friends or her friends will be.  They are distractions.  If you share the same interests or hobbies, do something of that nature.  During your date, do not do anything to set a bad vibe.  Like... don't disagree with her thoughts, don't "show off" and look stupid, don't use words that you dont normally use to impress her, don't talk constantly to try to steal all of the attention, etc.  By the end of your date, if you haven't done anything to annoy her, she'll most likely allow a kiss.  You can kiss her under four circumstances.  

    1) If she verbally talks about kissing (she's hinting).

    2) If she constantly stares at you. (She's waiting for you to do it.)

    3) If you ask her to and she says yes.  (Some girls need to be asked so they don't get surprised and freaked out.)

    4) And if you're really brave... tell her in a direct and strong manner that you ARE going to kiss her.  (Some girls' hearts flutter for a "take charge" approach.

    Personally, if I liked you already.. I'd want number 4.

    And if all else fails... read a romance novel to give you ideas on romance from a female's perspective.

    Good luck.

    P.S.  Have gum ready and make sure you brushed your teeth twice before you leave the house.  Brush your tongue too.  Wear cologne, but not too much.  Guys that smell good are biologically more attractive to the opposite s*x.

  6. She may not wanna kiss you.

  7. awe just kiss her    its that simple

  8. Just do it

  9. try asking her out on a date to the movies...or even a park...just be your self with her...and when the time is right kiss her (:

  10. kissing makes people pregnant....dnt do it!!

  11. well it depends on how long you've been going out and if she really wants to so basically it may be hard but you gotta ask her.

  12. Treat her well. Make sure you call her to talk to her once in a while. Be sweet and generous. Make sure you know how she feels. The best thing you can do at that age is show her your not just in this to have a girl friend and kiss. If you are, get out of it. Don't get obsessive, just a good boy friend so that when that moment when you feel the time is right to kiss her, your confident that it will turn out to be postive. Take her away from the group, or go on a single date if its what makes you more comfortable. Maybe public affection is fine for you too, I don't know. All I can say is that be dating her, wanting to kiss her for the right reasons. If you really care for her, then there shouldn't be a problem.  

  13. trust me, shes just as nervous as yo are. if you really want it to be good, do it when your alone first and as you start to do it more in private, youll be better in public.

    my first kiss was with a bunch of people and- ugh it was the worst thing in the world!

  14. s***w everyone who said your to young i kissed my first girl in the 5th grade. what you do is take her to a movie with a bunch of friends, put your arm around her, the like halfway face her and just do it.

  15. Well rock music is awesome, you two are young. I'm not going to tell you not to kiss because of your age, but don't go too fast. The best way to plant one on her is to invite her over for a movie! Just watch it in a room with no parents and give her a peck on the lips! Then afterwards hold her hand and have fun.  

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