
I have been granted visitation rights by a nc judge, my wife from which i am separted refuses the visist?

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I'm not from nc and i don't know the law...can my wife stop me from seeing my kids and i have granted rights by a nc judge...what do i do..




  1. If you have a court order granting you visitation, you let the judge know that she is violating that order.  If she refuses to follow the court order, then she would be found in contempt of court and the judge will put her in jail until she complies.

  2. No she cannot.Take a copy of the court ordered visitation with you to the police and explain to them she is in violation and in contempt of court.

    You may have to get a lawyer and go to court again if the police  won't help you.They should be able to though,just make sure you have your legal documents proving you have visitation.

  3. she's in contempt, get the judge to get her thrown in jail

  4. as long as you have a court order visitation..the other parent cannot deny access to your children..if she does you would have to take her back to court to enforce the current court order. she can get into trouble if she denys you to see your children

  5. From personal experience, a signed and filed Court Order is the same as law.  Search the North Carolina web site. Some states provide for less expensive ways to remedy the situtation. Otherwise, you are left to petitioning the court system via an attorney.

    Once you get passed this hurdle, I would strongly recommend seeking the aid of an experienced Family Counselor to resolve issues before they come to an impass...and first and foremost outside of your childrens awareness.  Harmony and cooperation between you and your ex is essential for your children.

    A dissolved relationship involving children is very expensive...get your financial priorities in perspective.

    The greatest cost is bore by the children if not done in an emotionally healthy manner.

    I wish you well.

  6. if you have court ordered visitation, she cannot stop you from seeing your kids. Let your attorney know that she is doing this and take her back to court for contempt.

  7. You have every right to see your kids.... and even a Judge agrees. Call your lawyer or call the court house where your visitation was arranged. Good Luck!

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