
I have been having dreams that i am dating a celebrity..why is this?

by  |  earlier

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Like when we hold hands and talk in the dream it seems so real




  1. you like them. thats how some people are with chris brown or the jonas brothers, its probably your subconscious mind pulling it out.

  2. Because oyur obsessed with the celebrity, or probably think about him in the daytime and his face occurs in your dreams

  3. I see something different in this dream than the other posters... I think that this dream means that in your waking life you are courting something (wishes, future, ability, popularity) that is larger than life. This part of your waking life makes you feel very special and very good about yourself.

    Happy dreaming.

  4. This is a simple wish-fulfilment dream.  Sounds like a really pleasant dream.  Songs have been written about dreams like this.

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