it never fails, EVERY single night i have a nightmare. usually, it involves my ex-stepfather who was a bad guy. he screamed and yelled at us, did hardcore drugs in our garage, grounded us for the stupidest things. he made us feel like we didn't even want to come home. my mom finally left him about 2 years ago, and our lives have gotten better. i don't think about him or anything so why do i keep on having these dreams? i dream that my mom took him back or that he's yelling at me and we get into a huge fight. and then i have other dreams like lastnights, where my aunt stabbed & killed my grandma right in front of me! it was so real and i woke up so upset. and i've been having dreams of my ex boyfriend from highschool which was like 5 years ago. i don't miss him or anything. what is going on? am i crazy????