
I have been having sexual dreams about my step mom. What do i do about that

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I have been having sexual dreams about my step mom. What do i do about that





  2. nothing shes your stepmom....

  3. confront her and talk about it

  4. haha.

    Is she hot?

  5. i think you need a girlfriend,....haahahahaa

    or maybe your attractive to older women its normal

  6. wooowww.....not good at all!!! see a psychiatrist or somehting!!!!

  7. Having "wet dreams" is perfectly normal. Having them about you step mom on the other hand is a little weird, but I don't think there is anything you can do about it..... you can't control what you think while you're asleep. Just be glad it isn't reality!

  8. Don't worry about it. Many men experience a sexual desire for their mothers or close female relatives at some point, especially in their early teen years.

    It will go away eventually. Try to focus on girls your age and the dreams will stop soon.

    Ignore the other posters saying that it's weird or abnormal. It's not. In fact, it's a well documented psychological occurrence. In time, it will pass.

  9. Well, that is natural.  It is the thought of the evil, badness, and just how darn good it would be to slide those panties off and gain the ultimate control of the household sexually and physically.

    But if she sprung on you one day, you would probably freak out, really.  So dream on man, dream on, but don't let it go to your head.  There is nothing, and I mean nothing, wrong with your fantasies, it is acting on them if they are wrong that is a moral problem.

  10. oooh that is s**y.

    talk to her and see what happens!


  11. hahahah

    not a good thing. :| find someone elsee

  12. Redirect your thinking, so when you go to bed and fall asleep, maybe you will dream of something else instead of your stepmom!?!

  13. Bang her! JK. Let yourself just don't do anything stupid.

    Answer mine?

  14. only way to get rid of it is to do her?

  15. you should look up what your dream means cuz that is really weird.

  16. Ignore them and they will pass.  Don't tell anyone esp. her!  It is probably natural but you'll get over it.

  17. pray

  18. dirty kid  

  19. Nothing.  Having sexual dreams about your step mom, various teachers, wonder woman, Condoleza Rice etc.  is all harmless enough.  Mentioning these to the person concerned would be a bad idea.

  20. talk to her and ask her how it makes her feel.

    then when you now how she likes to be felt... go back to bed.

  21. First off don't worry, its only a dream however if you are thinking of your dreams during the day then it becomes an issue. If you don't have a girlfriend; I highly recommend you get one, immediately.  Try looking or thinking of another woman before you sleep. And when we awake, think of another woman some more.  If you don't call your step-mom, "mom," you should start doing so. That way it will build a mentallity that this is my mother and it will become uncomfortable to think of such thoughts. If it continues you need to distance yourself away from your step-mom as much as possible. But don't ignore her.

    Don't ever mention it to your step mother, the response may not be in your favor.  

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