
I have been having sharp stabbing pains in my neck. It comes on sudden and is very painful. Any suggestions?

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I noticed that the pain is usually followed by entire face pain and a really bad headache. One day I also had pain under my arm pit. Maybe it is a problem with the lymph nodes? Today I woke up with a sore throat. I don't have health insurance so I don't go to the doctor unless it is really serious. Any ideas? I'm starting to get nervous.




  1. Hi.  I'm sorry for what you're going through and I'm sorry to say I kinda agree with Shadowst.  However, other probable answers may lie in stress, do you do alot of lifting (if so, lift with your legs, not your back)?  Is the pain at the back of your neck or the sides?  If it's the back this might be arthritis or a pinched nerve; if it's the side, could be swollen or torn muscles?  At least get an x-ray or ultrasound.  Maybe you have "pronation of the feet"; your ankles turn inwards, which imbalances your knees and then hips, your stomach pushes out and your shoulders slouch, this could work itself all the way up to put pressure on your neck.  I'm sorry but if this is persistent and causing you alarm, it would be best to see a doctor.  Any free clinics in your area?

    Best wishes, I hope it's nothing serious.


  2. I'm sorry to say that those kinds of symptoms suggest a real problem and please go see a doctor.  If not go to the hospital and have them check it out.  No one on here can tell you excatly what it is without seeing you in person.  I wish you luck out there.

  3. Hi! I have had the same symptoms, are you stressed out or upset? It could be something as simple as anxiety and stress which in my case that is what it is. However, this is your body, with the face pain that is what is concerning. If you dont have insurance, you can go to the ER and pay 10 per month on it until its paid for. Dont let money come before your health. Wait it out for a few days, relax, think about good things, and then see if you feel any better. Good Luck!

  4. It looks like you feel really screwed up by this problem. Hope you may found helpful here.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

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