
I have been having skin issues for months HELP?

by Guest44538  |  earlier

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I have always had amazing skin but about six months ago i started breaking out on my chin. I have whiteheads that refuse to let me squeeze them. They seem to shrink and then as soon i put makeup on or something they pop up again. I drool in my sleep and i think that's a factor in this but it's never affected me before. I have tried everything under the sun. proactiv seemed to work for a little while but then my skin became itchy and irritated.Oh and this problem seemed to start when i started dating my now exboyfriend and they are just a terrible reminder of what a pain he was haha Does anyone know of any products that will help meee=[ ..




  1. ok, so I'm a guy and the whole makeup thing eludes me, BUT...

    My wife is an Arbonne representative and through that I have learned a bit about the whole skin care thing, one is this... many of the products you buy can have chemicals in them that can burn or irritate your skin, especially when you may have sensitive skin.  They have a GREAT skin care system including an acne system, all of there products are held to the highest standards, well above what is required.  They are all natural and many of those chemicals that are in other products are not found in Arbonne.  I can only speak directly of the results that we have had with our young son who has had severe eczema and we have been to doctors and dermatologists and through what we have learned we will never use anything else, you can go to my wifes web page to see our story and check out the products, there is a link there to email my wife (Shannon) and she will be more than happy to answer any questions.


    Specifically Arbonne's Clear Advantage, but she would be able to help you figure out exactly what would help you.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Well what i can see i make up may be blocking up your pours causing spots, and using make-up to hide it will only make it worse..

    Cut down on the make-up i'd say.

    I get tons of spots under neathe my side fringe which covers up my fourhead and my left eye, i tried clearisil it just dried my skin out, but it did work.. but maybe but moisturising cream and clearisil, and after you've done clearisil put moisturising cream on to stop it from drying out, i've never done this but i will, and try it yourself, i use vaseline moisturising.. Its fab!

  3. You may be stressed because of your boyfriend and make up doesn't help.  I suggest you do something new and exciting to make you happy (to take away the stress) and Noxema works for me.

  4. aloeride will do the trick for you

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