
I have been having the same dream for more than 2 days?

by  |  earlier

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I dreamed i came face to face with the zodiac killer. His face wasn't clear but he wore glasses. He already shot 2 women dead and was coming after me. I stopped running after i realised he is going to get me no matter what i do. He then pushed me to the ground and stood on top of me. He pointed the gun at me and i was just saying " god forgive me" over and over because i felt i'll go to h**l. He then shot me somewhere on the chest and everything just went black and i felt nothing. Then i find myself having dinner with my family like nothing happened. After a while i realised that the killer is disguised as my mother. I then pointed the same gun that he shot me with at him but couldn't pull the trigger.

I didnt watch or read anything related to the zodiac recently. Does this dream mean anything?




  1. Hmm. that is very odd! u might wanna do a search on it! or find a book at a bookstore or library! they should have some!

  2. Idk

  3. Dreams occurr during REM sleep. At this point we are completly paralized. We are now in safe mode. Your brain uses the down time to run systems checks on your involuntary reponses to ensure thier function. To test fear response you brain runs a fear scenario where you are chased by a killer. Your brain then ensures adreniline response. It tests your sexual arousal and balance response, (Falling off a cliff dream) Sometimes the stimulus response is so great it causes consious awareness. (remenbering a dream) It is also during these times spirit guides can inspire you or warn you or alert you to immenent danger. These reflections are accompanied by a feeling of dread or elation. Deja vu is dreams readying your brain to handle what it knows is coming. Its all ok. If you feel your dream was a warning you would have felt it immedieatly and unmistakenly. If it was just a dream image, than thats what your brain uses to run fear response sequence tests 'cause it knows it will frighten you into a giving a response it can test. Its all good. go with it but pay attentions for warnings. They stay in your gut.

  4. you probably just have a lot on your mind... try relaxing before going to bed

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