
I have been in DEP for the Navy since April;?

by Guest33730  |  earlier

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I got a tattoo on my hip[a month or so after i joined], and I was wondering at boot camp if they fully examine you for tattoos or prior to what tattoos ive had. or should i just tell my recruiter i have it. But i really dont want to get kicked and i realize i screwed up. Im freaakkinnn




  1. im doing DEP and i have a tattoo and i showed my recruiter. as long as its not a swastica or number 13 or a racist thing then ur fine.  cant be on hands or neck and obviously face.

  2. just tell em, it gets waivered, no problem, you might run into difficulty if your rate has a security clearance though. the only way that tattoo would completely bar you is if it was a gang sing.

  3. Honesty is the best policy.  

    If you have gotten a Tattoo that you did not initially report, then you need to let them know.  In general, Tattoos that are not visible in uniform and are not some kind of inflammatory or inappropriate message will be allowed.  My recommendation is to come clean, chances are your recruiter has a Tattoo somewhere too!!!


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