
I have been inspired by Oprah's Big Give and would like some ideas on how to raise money.?

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I have been inspired by Oprah's Big Give and would like some ideas on how to raise money.?




  1. With respect to the first answerer.. I don't know that the person actually missed the entire point of the show.. If they had missed the point, they wouldn't be 'inspired' by it.  I am assuming that it's  that they did get the point of the show.. to give to people.. and that they were just asking people for thoughts on how to possibly raise some funds to help someone.

    I think it would have been different had they said "I was inspired to make a bunch of money for myself".. then that would be missing the point.

    Anyway.. Sorry I don't have a great answer as to how to raise money to do something which the show inspired.  I guess that it could be anything from asking businesses for donations to going door to door asking for help to do what you want to do.. or calling tv/newspapers, etc.. telling them your idea for a 'big give'..

    Or.. just simply take from the show that it is a great thing in life to help others.. for no other reason that to help them.. not to get anything from it, etc.. and then.. it really doesn't matter how big or how small the thing that you do is.. what matters is that it affects someone in a good way! :)

  2. Remember the episode where the guy's "Big Give" was just helping an old man move his stuff to the van?  It cost nothing, but meant the world to that man.  Start with giving of yourself instead of money.  It's free, and the rewards are great.

  3. You missed the entire point of the show!!

    You want some ideas on how to GIVE money, not raise it.  Once you find the cause, the ways to fund it fall into place.

    TX Mom

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