
I have been interviewing for several paraeducator openings for emotional support and I’m wondering if this mea

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I have been interviewing for several paraeducator openings for emotional support and I’m wondering if this means behavioral support? Does anybody know if emotional support is a fancy way of saying they need a firm adult capable of handling discipline issues. If anybody has any information on being an emotional support paraeducator please let me know.




  1. I would assume that is what it means.  Make sure this is what you want.  You will probably be shadowing a child around that has the tendancy to kick, bite, tantrum, etc.  You may have to be certified in restraining techniques.  Make sure you want to do it or you will be miserable.  Some people are cut out for the job and some aren't.

  2. I am an ED teacher and I would assume that "emotional support" would be with children who are labeled ED (emotional disturbed).  Keep in mind that each child is different but most have major discipline issues.  You can expect disrespect, verbal and physical aggression.  I agree with the other poster, check with the school and ask lots of questions.  It takes a  person who is very comfortable with themselves and strong minded to deal with the daily onslaught of ED behaviors.

  3. It will totally depend on your school and what programs they have in place. Some schools have severe emotionally disturbed (ED) students that need a para with them through out the day. Some behavior support will not be as extreme. I would say to talk to your principal and the other special ed teachers at these schools. Ask them what would be expected of you and be sure to tell them what you feel comfortable with too. Good Luck!

  4. Ok I'll forget about educational terms and try to explain this to you in very simple ways.

    Emotional supports  and Behavior are a couple...They walk together. Because if you're emotional then you behavior changes.

    Example: There is this girl who is perfectly fine and after a while she starts crying and nothing seems to calm her down this is the time when she needs someone to talk to her, calm her down and assure her that everything will be fine.

    The goal here is to calm the girl down and re-direct her back unto what she was doing ..

    Behavior (negative) Lets say a child starts hitting other children then someone has to immediately stop him or her. There are ways to do it. you can start from distracting the child, talking to him, or restraining him/her this is to adult criteria. BUT the goal here is to not let anyone hurt anyone. Provide a safe and secure learning environment.

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