
I have been living with my girlfriend for 9 months but have just left what can i do ?

by  |  earlier

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ive been together with my girlfriend for (were both 16) for nearly 2 years, we both love each other deeply and have faced a lot together, due to me having trouble at home I left and lived with her and her family for 9 months but I have just left, I kept losing my temper (hormones and stress possibly) my girlfriend thought that it would be best so we can have a wonderful duture together and live out all our dreams that I leave, until we have both matured a bit, maybe a year she thinks. Im happy with this but i'd just like to know how I can cheer myself up cus im not used to being alone every night and day, and what can I do to show her that i've matured (we are VERY close so anything would do :) )




  1. Control your temper and think more clearly.  

  2. Not saying this as a jerk but do what she asks? Thats muture.

  3. do something for you--alone and you might find you don't need this or the rest falls into place

  4. By getting a job and buying her a car.

  5. My ex and i had this problem you guys are around each other to much get a job so you can show her your mature enough to handle a job and you guys also wont be around each other much

  6. Get a job. Then convince her to let you move back in. Then you wont be around each other as much and you will be in a better mood because you can contribute some of your money to household expenses to help out the family. That will show maturity and appreciation for what they did for you.

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