
I have been looking at The Planets and is it possible for fleas to exist on Uranus.?

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I have been told that it is possible but I am not sure.




  1. well crabs can

  2.   They would have as much chance of living there as a dog would.

  3. I did'nt think young folks still had this joke question in their trick bag.It was one of the "serious" questions we asked new freshmen in high school 50 yrs ago..LOL      Have fun with it ....JR

  4. Uranus' has strong gravity and extremely cold temperatures (-270 degrees F to -380 degrees F). There is also energy from lightning and ultraviolet light.

    Uranus is made of methane, ethane and other sophisticated gases. These materials, combined with the energy from lightning, ultraviolet light, and charged particles, constitute the essential elements of conditions under which scientists believe life began. But life on Earth grew and changed, and now these conditions are no longer suitable for life as we know it.

    This environment sounds very unfriendly to life as we know it on earth.

    Flea larvae emerge from the eggs to feed on any available organic material such as dead insects, f***s and vegetable matter. They are blind and avoid sunlight, keeping to dark places like sand, cracks and crevices, and bedding.

  5. I don't think fleas could survive for long on Uranus, it's more likely that they would live on Pluto.

  6. If they do why ask, go and look yourself, not at Uranus but at the  books that tell you all about the planets. To put it bluntly, NO.

  7. There aren't that many asstronomy jokes butt Uranus is often the butt of them.

  8. I'm sure they exist on yours.

    All the best,


  9. take it to the joke forum.  Flagged as stupid.


  11. If your fly can be down on the Moon, then who's to say?

  12. Go to bed quickly before your mummy catches you on the computer

  13. Not sure but you might have some in ur-r****m.

  14. The answer is most definitely "NO."

    Uranus is a gas giant. That means that the planet is one huge

    bubble of gas with a volume that is 63 times that of the Earth.

    The planet has a deep core of frozen water, methane, and ammonia gases. The temperature of the tops of the hydrogen, methane, and hgelium gas clouds is roughly Minus 353 Degrees F.

    So, anything alive would

    A.) instantly freeze

    B.) sink through the gases and fall to the core of the planet  

  15. more likely to find bugs on mars, especially if someone has thrown it away half eaten...

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