
I have been looking on google alot but i can not find any reading material that teacher normal people skils to

by  |  earlier

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to look for in people who are going to rob u. Like i want to understand to signs people show when they are going to attack u.But to put it easyer i need like a FBI training book that teaches people to see the signs of a attack is comeing




  1. You want street smart skills as a lesson it seems.  Try this:

  2. Are you looking for ways of identifying potential robbers, or self-defense techniques.  The problem is that even with the most sophisticated of training, most law enforcement has a hard time distinguishing potential criminals from others.  Good criminals make a point of not standing out from the crowd.  Of course, there have been times when I've felt that someone was watching me too closely in a crowded place and have held on to the latch of my purse, or I have felt uncomfortable with someone who seemed possibly to be following me, so I headed for a more populated area, but I will never know if those people had bad intents.

  3. go on

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