
I have been married for 5 years & I recently haven't felt like being sexually active, what's wrong? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 23 and he's 25, he initiates it a few times a week but I just don't seem to have the same drive as I used to. I still find him extremely attractive, and I still participate every now and then. But most of the time I just really don't feel like it. Is there something that causes this to happen in women?




  1. A few questions can come into play here:

    have you had any children recently?

    are you still getting along naturally, day after day?

    This problem can also come with being on certain birth control. or maybe its something psychological. get some professional help and most of all talk to your husband about this or else he'll think that youre just not interested in him. worse, would be that he finds someone else to get him what you can't.

    Good luck

  2. maybe you have lotsa problem to solve?or maybe you dont wanna get pregnant.

  3. Your bored.You have to find something to spruce up ur s*x life.U say ur not into it but find something that just makes u go crazy and use it.Also if that don't work sit down and have a talk with him.Don't be blunt out though a man hates it when women tell them I not enjoying it.Then u guys will get into a argument,and we don't want that.Just sit down and tell him that we need to do things before we take and have s*x.Like take a stroll through the park at night or something romantic.

    Peace for the love doctor

  4. May be after marriage you get a new life and u tend to get more busy in the house work and also in your work. and also other thing is that you may be doing something similer all the time in bed, so nothing more excoting happening for you.. sometimes u loose the apetite.. you have to work on it..  

  5. sometimes if ur pregnant u lose ur s*x drive but it sometimes happens as u get older that u begin to lose interest in s*x....u should possibly ask ur doctor about that.

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