
I have been recently framed by a child......?

by  |  earlier

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I am a teacher, and 5 days ago, I had to take a substitution lesson in a primary3 class. Everything went well, and the class culminated with me playing with them, 'Simon says'. All had fun. Next day, out of the blue, I am told that one child has alleged (he is 8yrs old only) that I pinched him, and he has a mark to show for it. He also has told his parents and fellow classmates the same, and now the entire class chants this mantra. The mother was furious, and I didn't know what hit me! Now I am depressed, and feel helpless and dont know how to vindicate myself. And most worrisome is , why is the child saying this? I havent even scolded him. Tomorrow is monday, I might be called in by the headmaster - and I dont know what to say - its my word against this child's and worse, the whole class'.




  1. do not contact the parents.  contact your union or lawyer.  let the professionals handle it.

  2. Be honest and forth coming. This child might

    have a history of telling " untruths". Offer to take

    a stress analysis test ( lie detector test) to prove

    your innocence's. Worse case is losing your

    teaching position and possibly your license. The

    child must offer proof besides his word before the

    administration can fire you. Deny doing it and ask the student why he felt it necessary to tell the

    fib. Ask him where he was when the incident

    happened and who was around him that saw it

    happen. Ask the headmaster to question the named students privately and separately.

  3. Okay stuff like this actually happens a lot, you just got screwed that the parents are over protective.

    Things you should do.

    1.  Check (or ask for it to be checked) the child's file.

    2.  Talk with other faculty members (any who might have been involved with the child) to see if the child has ever done anything similar.

    3.  Don't worry about the "whole" class, I'm going to be a junior, and it's always fun to "gang up" on the teachers.  It really comes down to you and the child/parents.

    4.  Go in level-headed, no ones thrown the key away yet, if you know what I mean.

    5.  Find out with other students, even other students' parents, and check if the "pinched" student has had a lying problem in the past.

    But don't worry about it.  God's watching over you, and he's going to do what's best in the long run!

  4. Get your self a lawyer. If you lived in Florida your face would be on the 6:00 news.

  5. Don't let it get to you, I'd say the child is just looking for attention. It seems to me a bit extreme to rush to lawyers and the union - that would just give the impression your worried about being punished, whereas innocent people should have nothing to hide. First thing I'd do is take the child aside whilst the class is working and just talk to him, don't accuse him of lying be gentle and allow him to feel like an equal then discuss the incident in question. Worst case scenario is the kid will still claim to be pinched but know you had no intentions of harming him - best case is he'll admit it didn't really happen and it isn't blown into a whole big investigation. Interested to hear how it turns out

  6. Get your Union involved right away.

  7. go in there wit confidence n tell da truth n if the headmaster doesnt believe u....i dont know wat 2 say wat ever happens happens try 2 reason with the child

  8. I agree with the overall consensus that you need to remain calm and level-headed. But remember, the parents are reacting to what their child said and will usuall see the teacher as having something to hide. Talk to your headmaster and explain what happened in the class, your repoire with the students, and how the day ended. Whatever you do, DO NOT talk to the parents without an administrator with you. You will want someone in administration (representing the higher authority in the school) to be completely informed of what is going on. Talking to the kids is okay, but keep in mind that they don't want to tell on their friends and will feel "funny" about going against the crowd. Write down everything that happened and DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT!

    Good luck and try not to worry. Keep telling the truth and it will all work out in the end!

  9. Go to your union.

  10. All you can really do is hold your ground.  For the child who says he has a mark to show a pinch, he could have easily done it to himself!  I would immediately contact the parents and explain the matter. Let them know that you are concerned as to why the child would make up such a story; let them know that you are concerned for their child's welfare.  If you are called in by the headmaster, all you can do is state the facts and that you made an effort to communicate with the parents.  Also, if you have a long track record as a teacher, you might remind the parents that you've taught for X number of years and have never been accused of such a thing.

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