
I have been running for an hour non stop at a good speed for the past 3 days.What is the weight loss benefits?

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I wanted to know if it will help me lose weight all over and if running an hour on a track is enough or should I increase it?




  1. An hour is more than enough.  If you run too long, you risk getting burned out.

    It's better to run 30-60 minutes a day for decades than for two hours a day and get burned out in a few weeks.

    The immediate weight loss from running is the water loss.  If you weighed in before and after running, you'll notice you'll lose a little weight.

    But, losing water isn't actually getting healthier.  It's just fitting into your jeans for one more day.

    The long term effect is that you're strengthening your heart and lungs, keeping your metabolism up, and forcing your body to burn fat and burn your food intake.  

    As long as you are running off more calories than you are consuming, you should see weight loss over time.

    The downside to running is that over a course of years or decades it will wear out your knees.  There are other exercises like swimming, exercise bikes, and aerobic workout videos that will get your heart pumping and sweat dripping also, but it will help you save your knees.

    As a final note, you might consider weightlifting also.  Even though weightlifting builds muscles rather than decreasing fat, a muscular body burns food calories more efficiently than a fat body.  If a muscular person and a fat person sit around playing video games all day, the muscular person's body will burn more calories because the body needs more energy to maintain those muscles.  

    So, you might consider adding to your lean muscle mass also.  You don't have to look like Arnold Schwarzanegger, but having a tummy, arms, and thighs that are all firm to the touch is a good thing.  

    I hope some of this helps out.

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