
I have been searching a long time for my spirit animal, but how can i find It?

by  |  earlier

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It is impossible for me to meditate. so the only way i could find it is in my dreams. Can anyone help me?




  1. maybe you should of tryed the mythology section!

    but its normally an animal that you have been drawn to all your life mine is a wolf and i have had a passion for them as long as i can remember but you know wot it is in your heart and you dont need to mediate to find it you will be instantly drawn to this animal wotever it be and dont be disappointed if its something small cus thay all are just as good as each other or try sitting quietly for a few mins and ask for a sign from him/her and i bet they will show you something that helps, good luck sweetxx

  2. If you want to find a spirit animal, you'd better get some hallucinogenic drugs.  That's how it was done traditionally.

    Disclaimer:  Many hallucinogenic drugs are illegal.

  3. Zoology is the scientific study of animals.  Maybe you should ask someone in the religions section.

  4. zoology is an animal section. Maybe you could find better answers in the religious section. That may help... other wise i dont know anything that i could help you with. try google-ing it.

  5. You will bond with your spirit animal when your spirit animal is ready.  Your brain has to be ready as well.  You have no control of when so allow your spirit animal to present itself when you are ready.

    It takes 26 years for a human brain to reach full development.  That is how complex your brain is. Your frontal lobe is where the chatter of your mind is, I call that the monkey brain.  Then in your Lower Cerebellum, where your skull meets your spine, is the doorway for your own spirit to fuel life energy into your body.  I call the Lower Cerebellum the Spirit Brain.

    So you are faced with a monkey brain that is mortal and a spirit brain that is immortal.  Your Spirit animal is also immortal.  Your Spirit animal must find a wild animal body and mute the monkey brain of the wild animal.

    You seek your Spirit animal because deep inside of you, you know.

    When my Spirit animal came to me, it scared the heck out of me.  I froze in fear and allowed the bond to take place. Then once bonded, the fear vanished and only laughter prevailed.

    I have trained for 16 years so I could meet my Spirit animal.  I wanted it that much.  I do not meditate either.  I know for a fact that meditation is a bogus shallow mask of spirituality.  They meditate so they can brag about it.  

    To enhance your psychic ability, you have to be diligent in training your brain.  I am a well known psychic because I can prophecize the future accurately.  I have thousands of proof because my proofs are documented.

    The sources below are where I was trained.  The movie below was produced by peers, fellow students of the same school  I attended. I was trained for 7 years by Dr Joe Dispenza so I could access my Spirit brain at will.  The school below is a school more advanced than Harry Potter's school.  Now we have enough proof to prove that any one can become a psychic.

    Join me on remoteviewdaily, so you too can laugh hard. On Remote View Daily, you get to train for free.  The owner of remoteviewdaily is also a fellow student of RSE.  He is a Master at Remote Viewing.

    btw Greetings from Seattle, Wa

    Caroline aka Lapis Lazuli

  6. Your animal spirit is the cryptosporidium..

    ..which is good because people who need `animal guides` usually have issues about being percieved as unique, and few people can pronounce cryptosporidium, let alone be guided by it.

    It is bad, however, because YOUR animal guide is an intestinal parasite and the primary cause of waterborne diarrhea... so you take the good with the bad..

    (the reason you are having a hard time finding it is, it`s microscopic!)

  7. if you see it alot in your real life and its an animal you have always admired then it must be ur spirit animal.. lol mines is a tiger ..but you can have many spirit animals...

  8. take this quiz, it's kind of fun

  9. It's not impossible for you to meditate.  EVERYONE can do it.  It just takes a bit more work and concentration for some.  You should Google "meditation tips" and see if it helps.

  10. Your spirit animal based off of the information that you have submitted ISSSSS....

    A platypus.


  11. Spirit guides do not always appear as animals, they come as other things, often not to your expectations. You can't force a search, they come to you when the need exists. You may have already met your spirit guide but you have discarded the vision because it didn't fit your desire. Stop forcing the issue.  

  12. Smoke a fat joint.

    LSD may help.

  13. fsdf

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