
I have been seeing a married man for 8 months.........?

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I know its wrong but things happen. He says he loves me and that i am his everything, am i just being stupid in waiting for him to file for divorce and leave her? If he des leave her will he cheat on me?




  1. Sorry to tell you this hunny, but this man is married to his WIFE!!!!

    I think you have stepped in a situation that is primarily your fault. You shouldnt be messing with a married man period. No disrespect to you, but I think you are being stupid in hoping this. There are plenty of other single men out there, why choose one that is married. He is having his cake and eating too, in which you are allowing.  

  2. Well, ask yourself this...Do you really want to be with someone that would cheat on his spouse?

    What does this say about his character?

    Try to imagine if his wife was you or a dear friend of yours, you would consider him to be a 'dirty dog' wouldn't you?

    the very fact that you are asking questions gives you the answer.

  3. you know it's wrong but you don't care? You must have zero self-esteem

    He doesn't love you. You're not his everything-- his wife is.

    You're being stupid

    He won't leave his wife.

    He probably has other women besides you right now.

  4. Your statement: I know it's wrong but things happen! Oh, boy,..UH, No,....

    Car accidents just happen but not an 8 month affair! LOL

  5. Newsflash. . . .he is not leaving his wife, he is not filing for a divorce, he is using you , and if he didn't have you , he would find himself another mistress. And yes, if by some chance, he does eventually leave his wife, yes, he is going to s***w around on you just like he did her, what makes you think you are any different than his wife....

  6. He said he loves his wife too and he cheated on her.  What is to stop him from cheating on you...Does he say he is getting a divorce? How long has he been saying that? Are there children involved with the marriage?  All things considered, I think you know the answer to this question...since he cheated with you there is a very good chance he will cheat on you.  I read somewhere that only like 10% of people stay with the people that they cheated with...not very good odds...

  7. He's not worth it. And he will never leave her.

  8. not to be mean but you are being extremely stupid!!! and yes he will do it to you quit being a homewrecker and find someone single

  9. This is terrible. Imagine how his wife would feel if she found out. No body deserves that kind of pain. Do you think that you two will even have a future if he leaves his wife?

    What if you guys don't work out. What's left? His wife is picking up the pieces of her broken heart, you guys aren't together. Lose-Lose situation.

    What if you guys do work out. What's left? You and him together. His wife miserable. Is your selfish happiness (not trying to be mean, only blunt. I'm not judging you.) worth inflicting so much pain on another woman? Win-Lose situation here, but you'd have to live with that on your conscience. So really, it's lose-lose as well.

  10. yes he will what goes around comes around. leave him alone and find ur own man. one thats not married

  11. This is not good, I don't like to judge but it is not fair to his wife. There is that possibility that if he stays with you that he will cheat on you.

  12. you're a w***e. leave the guy alone and stop trying and waiting to destroy a family.  

    what makes you think he's not gan2 do the same on you.

    how could you be staying there waiting for a family to fall apart??

    what kind of person are you??

    leave that man alone, let him make he;s decision in he's own, then he's come to you. stop being a w***e and messing aroun wit him.

    you are influencing him s**t!!

  13. Be honest with yourself...You are asking if he will cheat on you and your not a couple yet? You are doubting and you don't trust him..I wonder why? What makes you better than his wife that he wouldn't cheat on you with another women? What is going on within you that you felt it was OK to settle for a married man? What did you tell yourself to make this OK? What did he tell you and you choose to believe in his words to make you feel it was OK? Do you feel you deserve the best? If you answered yes, why are you settling for sloppy seconds. Do think the relationship between you and him is healthy? Regardless, of his situation between him and his wife....he needs to get that in order first (come out the marriage the right way) then make himself available.  It's men like this that that reinforces the doubt of a man from women. Wake-up, I believe you are truly special. I firmly believe we teach people how to treat us. You are teaching him that you will accept anything if it's a good sell as long you benefit from it. Do this for me...write down what you want out of a relationship and what a man should be; compare this to what you feel you have now.  

  14. Of course you're his everything, well at least when his wife isn't around.

    If you were his everything and he loved you he would have left his wife by now, what is he waiting for???? If I found my everything I wouldn't hesitate would you??? Even if he does leave her your relationship has a very very low chance for survival, and yes if he could cheat on his wife who he married, then he will definitely cheat on a woman who he has known for 8 months and is already lying to. Get out while you can besides why would you even want to be with a man who could cheat on his wife?  

  15. do what your heart tells you

  16. Yes you are stupid, along with a few other names I won't bother to call you.  You get what you deserve.  Keep up your behavior, and ask answers in a few months how to mend your broken heart.  You won't get much sympathy.

  17. there are so many possibilities.

    Has he cheated before - probably won't leave her

    Do they have kids - probably won't leave her

    Does she have a lot of money - probably won't leave her

    But sometimes they do leave the wife and not cheat again.

  18. If you have been "Intimate" with him and he hasn't started divorce proceedings at 8 months in, chances are you are being used. What ever his excuses, he chooses to be married and have you "on the side". If that's not enough for you, get out of it.

    90% of relationships where one party starts by cheating don't last to the five year mark. That is you future IF he ever leaves her.  

  19. Don't you care what this will do to his wife when she finds out about you having s*x with her husband. What the h**l is wrong with you there are so many single guys out there. If i was his wife and i found out about you first i would walk up to you and slap you right across your face in front of everyone you work with then i would walk in your bosses office and tell him what you been doing with my husband. He will fire you right on the spot. Why can't you women stay away from our married men.  Don't you find it kind of funny how every married man tell the same story to every woman but yet you still believe what he tells you. Are you that stupid or just that desperate.

  20. Are you on Crack!  Of course he's gonna cheat on you too!  

  21. Yes he will cheat on you and no he will not leave his wife.  Why would you want to be with a cheater anyways?


  22. not smart. wise up honey. if he cheated on his wife he will cheat on you.

  23. He won't leave his wife...and if he, does then yes, he will cheat on you, too.  For some reason most women think men cheat because their wives don't fulfill them...very wrong.  Men cheat out of selfishness and because they can.  It gives them excitement that you don't get in a long term relationship.  They won't leave a woman who is committed to them for someone who is fun.  Sorry it won't happen.  Move on and find someone single.  You have no idea what the wife would feel like if she found out...she would have the ultimate broken heart and don't think you are better than she is because you are not.

  24. This is a tough concept to grasp, but if he truly loved you and you are his everything, he would file for divorce immediately.  He would even be man enough to put your relationship on hold while he ended things with his wife.  If he believed in you that much, he would know that you would be waiting for him and he wouldn't take his time.  But he would want to have a strong foundation for your relationship, not this rocky one filled with deceit and lies.  

    I know your heart is on the line here and you are in love with this man.  But ask yourself, how can you love this man?  How can you love someone who is having s*x with someone else?  Someone who is willing to openly cheat and have you on the side?  

    It's tough, I know.  I was involved with a married man for 3 years.  I believe that he did love me in a way, but he loved his wife more.  He couldn't leave her even after they filed divorce papers.  He was telling her that I was a mistake, that he loved her and wanted to be home.  Eventually, that's where he ended up.  And now, he doesn't care that I am sitting at home heartbroken while he is making ammends.  It's a lonely place to be and you don't want to end up here!  I can also say that I don't know what I would have done if I would have ended up with him.  I know how sneaky he can be and know his tricks.  I would never know if he was doing the same thing to me.  Basically, he could cheat on me and I would never know.  I could never trust him after knowing what he's capable of!

  25. Would you give a thief (who admits to "stealing" from people who presumably love him) a key to your house? to your bank account? to your heart? You'll have no one to blame but yourself if you aren't strong enough to resist temptation. Good luck in making your decision.

  26. it is wrong and immoral, and  its very likely he will cheat on you, after he bores of you..think of his poor wife.....  

  27. "I know its wrong but things happen"

    that is not an excuse, things happen because you allowed it to happen

    "He says he loves me and that i am his everything,"

    if you are his everything then why after 8 months of secretly seeing you like the manwhore he is, why hasn't he divorced his wife yet for you?

    "am i just being stupid in waiting for him to file for divorce and leave her?"

    you were stupid simply because you got involved with somebody else's husband

    "If he des leave her will he cheat on me?"

    how naive can you be? if he can cheat WITH you on his wife, what makes you think he wont cheat ON you with someone else?

    in my opinion you both deserve each other, because the both of you can care less that an innocent wife is involved. what has she ever done to  you? be prepared to face what comes around goes around.

  28. Most people will tell you that yes you are being stupid and maybe you are, but you won't know that for a long long time.  I met and feel in love with a married man a year after my divorce.  A month later he asked his wife for a divorce, but she wasn't going to make it easy.  He has two chldren and felt lots of guilt.  After almost 2 years together he finally got a divorce and we have been happy together ever since.  (6 years now) Most of my friends warned me against him, but I knew deep down that our love was real.  I never pressured him.  Only you know the truth.  Good luck to all of you.  

  29. First of all i want you to know that i am not judging you.

        I don't think you're stupid for waiting for him to divorce his wife, i think you just aren't making a smart decision. As far as thinking about the possibility that he may cheat on you, YOU SHOULD BE THINKING ABOUT IT!!  What i don't understand about someone in your position is that when you cheat with a married man why don't you stop to think that if you do finally get to be his wife, there's going to be a new person for him to cheat WITH. It's called Karma and you're gonna have to face the music when the time comes. ]

    I can only wish you the best of luck.

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