
I have been seeing random flashes of light around the same time as I got this starnge phone call.

by  |  earlier

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Maybe a little before or after i got this wierd call from this guy who wouldn't stop asking if I new this person or if I lived near this certain place I've random flashes of light. He woulndn't hang up so my mom took my phone and hung up on him. I may have been able to see the flashes before this but I can't remember that well. But I have been seeing theese long and yet short flashes of light like i saw one this morning through my window shade and i looked out and saw clear skies. My Grandma thinks that it is some freak with a camera but I don't know. I even saw five or six when I was with my friend once and two were inside so they could have been the lights but I am not so sure. But even stranger most of the times I go into my parents bathroom I see the human shape but it is white and quick then once i saw it walk across my brothers room and it looked like a mans ghost. Am I seeing things or should I be concerened.




  1. Just say no to drugs!

  2. two words:

    tinfoil hat.

    or is that three words? I guess I'll take mine off and listen to the voice from the mother ship.  

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