
I have been slow at learning my job lately and it is effecting my salary and soon my job. I saw the doctor ?

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today because I thought I may have Adult ADD. The doctor listened to my situation and prescribed me Paxil to help me focus better. Can anyone tell me if Paxil helped them for certain situations like mine?




  1. I know exactly what you are going through as Im in a similar situation with my employer, however I am not taking any medication for it.  

    I have tried to focus on my work, but my memory keeps slipping and odd tasks are slipping through the cracks.  I have an employer who runs around behind my back and asks everyone to nark on me if I make any mistake at all, this is so she can stick it in a report.

    I have already had two disciplinary warnings from the cow.  I wish I could give her drugs!

  2. i took paxil for some other reasons. and i have add. and it didnt help me focus at all i was the same. it might have been cuz i was on a very low dosage. they can make it higher for you. it all depends. just be careful cuz when i tried to get off paxil i got really sick. i threw up alot. until it was out of my system. good luck

  3. i don't believe drugs are the answer

    a healthy diet, vitamins and plenty of sleep will help

    omega 3 is good for the brain and is known to help with attention disorders

    read about ADD on, take care

  4. Try the Paxil but pursue the ADD angle.  It should be covered by your health insurance and you will likely need to be evaluated by a Psychiatrist for the "Formal Diagnosis".  If you do have ADD, you are covered under the American's with Disabilities Act, but you will need to disclose it to your employer (don't disclose ANYTHING to your employer until you get the actually diagnosis) in order to be protected under the Act.

    Prior to being diagnosed w/ ADD, I was on a number of anti-depression meds but once I started taking the ADD meds, I was able to stop the anti-depression stuff and work (and life in general) became MUCH EASIER!

    Good Luck and do not be embarrassed for being who you are - ADD is not a bad thing - it just means that your brain is wired differently (and most people with ADD test higher on IQ tests than the "general" population - so don't let anyone make you think that you're dumb just because you need some help!)

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