
I have been suffering sever pain in my joints for 16 months now, what is it

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I'm a 50 year old male. 14 months ago, almost overnight I woke up with full body endema, feet and hands real swollen. That has subsided but I still can't make a fist. The aches in my shoulders and knees are real bad but also ache in jaw, neck, elbos, wrists, knuckles. Its very difficult getting up in the morning


Rhumatoid Arthritis is ruled out by blood tests.

It seems to get worse in humid weather also if I sit for any length of time. Doctors don't know and I can't afford any more visits.

I've been very healthy untill this, on no medications.Any one else have this???? Is it fibromyalsia? Please help!




  1. No not Fibro. The fact it came on so fast, would suggest RA, especially with the swelling. However, did you have a sore throat before the start, one where you just thought sore throat leave alone and did not seek medical help?

    At 50 you will have some Osteoarthritis, but you do not say what you do for a living. If for example you were in manual labor work, chances are it is Osteoarthritis. Not sure what Doctor you went to, but did they do any x-rays? Best of Luck

  2. Since Y/A seems to be on a permanent coffee break and won't let me give you the complete answer, here is the abbreviated version.  If you have had a tick bite in the last 2 yrs or so, it may be Lyme disease.  It is now spread all across the US.  The symptoms seem to fit it anyway.  It doesn't sound like fibromyalgia and only slightly like gout.  Here are links for each of the conditions listing symptoms.  If it is Lyme Disease, you will need to be on antibiotic treatment, probably intravenous, because it is an old case.

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