I am sick n tired of all this. I have been to a couple of doctors who have given me different meds but nothing is helping. so i am asking all of you what do you think is wrong with me? I have been having migraines everyday for the past 5 months. I have them almost always at the same time of day but lately they have been very random. My diet hasn't changed, I am not stressed, nothing like that. I used to have to go and lye in a dark room. but that doesn't help any more. the meds i was taking doesn't help anymore. the meds the doctors gave me don't help. The past month or so they have been getting worse and worse. I will get these sudden pain and it makes me blackout. the migraines and this pain is always on the right side of my head. my other symptoms are dizziness, weird vision, lose of appetite, lose of energy, fainting spells, mood swings (mostly getting mad easily), and now my period is all messed up. I feel like I am on my period (I'll have cramps and bloating etc) but no blood. anyone got any ideas?