
I have been surfing for about a year, and still having a bit of trouble standing up?

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i have only ever riden one board, its 6'7, my height is 6'1 average build, should i look at getting a different board?, i am standing but not for long. could the board im using, a cheap one, be holding me back?




  1. Surfboard Size

    · No matter what type of board you buy it should be at least 6'' longer than your own height.

    · The wider the board, the more stable on the waves

    · The thicker the board the more buoyant it will be, making it easier to paddle and catch waves

    · A ultra thin, light shortboard will make learning to surf harder - why do you think that performance boards are not used by surf schools


    · The best type of beginners surfboard depends on different factors. How often you will be surfing, your fitness levels, whether you need to look cool etc. Best go back and read the both the beginner board pages again.

    · Soft boards, longboards, minimals and pop-outs are all great beginners boards

    · Shortboards are not such a great beginner board for the average surfer.

    New or Old

    · This depends on a number of factors including budget and availability of boards

    · Buying a new soft surfboard is a good idea if you have children or you do not intend to go surfing regularly. If you progress quickly in your surfing you will soon need another board more suited to your ability - these boards are for the novice only. A cheap second hand board might be the best bet

    · Good second hand surfboards can be hard to find, and if you are new to buying a surfboard you might want to take a look at our surfboard buying guide

    · .With a beginners board you are going to have to replace it soon, you need a board that you can resell

    How Often You Surf

    · If you only surf once a year go for a softboard

    · If you surf intermittently go for either a pop-out, mini-mal or malibu

    · If you surf 3-4 times a week you can pretty much start on any board you like. Surfing this regularly should see you quickly out of the 'novice surfer' stage

  2. get a longer board. around 7"1', and dont stand completely straight up. you will lose your balance. stand up low, which will keep your center of gravity low. but make sure you bend in your knees, not hips.

  3. How often you getting out every day once a week once a month what??? if it's every day then get something bigger other wise practice more and go hard

  4. I wouldn't say it has to be 6 inches longer than you. If you learn on a longer board it's hard to make the transition to a shorter board. My board is 3 inches longer than I am, and if I was to get a new board I'd go shorter. If you've always wanted to long board, then yeah, you want the board to be a lot longer than you.

  5. A better and little longer board may help. Remember that the faster you go the easier it is to stand. And lean in the direction you are going. Good luck, and please don't litter the beach.

  6. hey I have been surfing for a year to. I would suggest getting a mini mal mayby about 7.2ft?  i used to have a 5.8ft and i couldnt stand up on it. I would suggest getting bout 7.2ft my m8s got one that height and it is much easier to stand on.

    you could look here for cheap second hand sufrboards there still in very good condition :)

    hope that helped

    Edit: I think you just found your best answer lol below vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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