
I have been taking 1000mg of metformin and have been feeling very very sick? How long will this last?

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I have to go to 1500mg per day soon and am worried that I will feel worse than I do now? Also how long does metformin take to work?




  1. Discuss it with your doctor, or phone them if your next appointment isn't for a while. They're the best person to advise you about medication. If the nausea doesn't improve, they might put you on a different drug instead; but metformin is one of the best, so give it a proper try first.

    Be sure to take all your meds, even if they make you feel unwell, unless your doctor says you can stop. And remember, diet and exercise are as important as medcation in controlling your blood sugar.

  2. I take 3000mg of metformin per day (maximum dose). I never had any real problems except in my bowel habits (increased bulk and frequency), which are easy to adapt to. Are you taking your tablets after your meal? are you drinking plenty of fluids with the tablets. Taking glucophages isn't instead of eating a sensible balanced diet- are you getting over confident and cheating? It is also possible that your average blood-glucose levels are now much lower and although not hypoglycemic will make you feel shaky and "off colour" This is something I experienced when I first started taking effective doses of my meds. Do you have a proper means to check your blood-sugar (not strips but a proper blood testing kit)? If so see what your levels are when you feel ill.

    If you continue to suffer intolerance to Metformin there are other drugs to control your condition. I also take a dose of Repaglinide at each meal which acts in a different way to control glucose levels. Speak to your Doctor about combining meds. The other alternative is to start Insulin injections, this is not to be advised except if all other methods fail.

    There are courses, clinics and self-help groups to help you cope with diabetes. From your avatar name I assume you are of Indian origin, South Asians are a particularly "at risk" group and there are specialist advice sources regarding the Asian diet, lifestyle etc.

  3. it could be you can not take it

    also it should of alredy worked i would think

    maybe see your doctor  

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