
I have been taking Centrum Silver causing bloating. Is there a multivitamen that does not cause bloating?

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I have been taking Centrum Silver causing bloating. Is there a multivitamen that does not cause bloating?




  1. womens or mens daily multi vitamin doesnt make you bloated at all.

  2. Actually, a multivitamin shouldn't make you bloated. If you are bloating from it, I'm willing to bet you're allergic to one of the ingredients.

    It sounds weird because they are the "daily required nutrients", but anyone can be allergic to anything at any time, really. Personally, I'm allergic to Zinc and I know people who are even allergic to Vitamin C... it happens, but it's rare. Also, an allergic reaction isn't just coughing/sneezing, it can be any negative reaction that's not common including itching, throwing up, or even bloating.

    If you wanted to take the time and effort, you could try taking each of the vitamins/minerals separately to find out which one is causing the reaction (which is what I did)... but it would be easier to talk to an allergist if you want to find out. Otherwise, you could just skip a multivitamin and eat a healthier diet. In any case, I wish you luck!

  3. Nutrition. Eliminate the need for a multi - v.

    If you are worried about a health problem.

    Identify it and then buy food to tackle it.

  4. Nutrela Double X- multivitamins              google

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