
I have been thinking for sometime that I want to foster and possibly adopt a newborn.?

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Can anyone provide me with the beginning process?




  1. You have to first make the decision as to whether you want to adopt or just foster.  The reason why is because the HomeStudy you will need are different for each situation.  Once you decide if you want a Adoption Home Study then you can call an Agency to get this done.  if you want to just foster you can call your State Department and they will guide you on how to get a Home Study for fostering.  Good luck.

  2. Don't get your home study first.

    You want to contact your county child services first. Talk to them about what you need to do. If you go through your county they most likely will do your home study for free. If you are unsure if you want to  foster, foster-to-adopt, or do only adoption, you can have your home study certified for all three.

    I do have to agree with a poster that said you might get an attitude because you only want babies. There are some counties that are like that because they have hardly any babies to place and many older children. Stick to what you feel is best for you and your family.

    Another option is an independent or private foster care agency. They contract with the counties. When there is a child that there is not a foster family for they will contact these types of agencies. We are signed with this type of agency and we get so much more support and help.

  3. I think it's wonderful that you would want to provide a loving home for an orphaned child.  I'll pray that God guides you and blesses you and your family.

    Here's the website for a faith-based foster agency that I heard about on the radio.  It's called Koinonia Foster Homes.

    I'm not sure where you live, but it looks like it's based in California.  It also has info on the website about how to become a foster parent.  

    Also, I saw this website online.  It touched my heart.

    God Bless!

  4. Get the home study.  After that, you just contact social services to be listed.

  5. it depends where u want to do it? I was adopted From HOLT and it is a great thing! u can e-mail me at if u have any more ?

  6. Contact your local department of human resources.  Most have classes that you need to take before becoming licensed foster care parents.  And, in some states, you can become dually licensed through the local department to be a foster parent and a pre-adoptive home.  Also, the local department should be able to provide you with names of agencies with whom they contract.

    Or, you can look in your local yellow pages under foster care or do an internet search for foster care agencies in your state.

    Regardless of the route you choose, you will need to take classes related to the foster care system.  They will be provided through the agency.  You and anyone over the age of 18 residing in your home will have to complete a criminal background check.  You will have to undergo a homestudy.  And, you and everybody living in the home will have to submit medical clearances from your doctors.

  7. Contact your local Department of Children and Family Services and tell them you are interested in becoming a foster parent.  You will have to get a background check and take pre-service training classes.  Then you will have to have a home-study completed.  Be prepared though, they were not very kind to us when we told them we only wanted to take children under 3.  I am only 23 and didn't think I could mother older children just yet but they give us a lot of attitude because there are a lot of older kids that need homes too.  In the home study they asked if we were willing to do legal risk/foster to adopt (which is what you are thinking about doing) we said yes and that was exactly what we got.  It did not take long so there is obviously a need for this kind of care also.  There are many things to be aware of with legal risk/foster to adopt newborns though.  It is called legal risk because there is a risk, the first foster child we took in was said to be ours, she had no family and her mother didn't want her.  We let our guard down and she became our daughter, long story short, after 9 months she left us and is now with her aunt.  I felt as if my child died, it was very difficult and heartbreaking.  Second there is a reason the newborns are taken for the mom right at birth and it is usually drugs (not always though).

  8. In my state you can be licensed to do foster care, then when an infant is placed you may have the chance to adopt it.  This depends on the situation of course.  I have adopted two children this way.  I would start by calling social services in your area.

  9. I'd say don't even get involved with any state, agency, ect.  Just take mine!  I'll give him to you for a half of a hot dog.  (no mustard, ketchup or relish required)

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