
I have been told by optomologist that my 3yr old needs glasses .?

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The prescription reads +5 sphere. Can anyone tell me if this is strong or average. The optomologist was very brief in her explanation and I was left feeling uninformed.




  1. Glasses at such a young age could be a symptom of an underlying neurological disorder.  I would go to a neurologist.  I have had 3 kids go to neurologists and they always ask glasses?  When was the last eye exam?  It makes sense that if vision is less than ideal and a large part of the brain has to do with sight then chances are another part of the brain is  also functioning less than ideal.

    I know it doesn't answer your question, sorry, but when it comes to kids I would leave no stone unturned.

  2. If i remember right from my sons appt a few weeks ago +5 sphere is very farsighted.  My son is +1 so they didn't give him glasses yet but said he might need them in 6 months because by +2 most people need glasses.

  3. you need to find a new eye specialist that will take the time to explain these things to you. It is important to be informed on your child and if the doctor can't take that time I would change

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