
I have been told i can claim tax back for washing my work clothes, is it true and how do i do it?

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I have been told i can claim tax back for washing my work clothes, is it true and how do i do it?




  1. Its part of your tax return. If Washing your work clothes is essential for your work the tax office will accept it as deductable from your income, when u do your tax returns.

    If your VAT registered you can also offset the VAT element of your cleaning bill against VAT you've paid for other bits and pieces.

  2. If it is a specialist uniform that you need to have washed art your own expense then yes. You can't get the tax relief your a work suite or normal trousers etc, but if it is a distincitve uniform them go for it

    see here

  3. You can to the extent you spend money washing special work clothing, such as uniform or protective overalls.  You can't claim for your own labour doing the washing, though.  Claim at the end of the year on your tax return employment pages under "expenses" or, if you don't get a tax return form, claim in a letter to the tax office.

  4. I have never heard of such a tax ride off... I know that you can do it for buying the clothes, but not the upkeep and care of them. I sure hope you can though.

  5. yes it is if you have uniform and don't get cleaning vouchers get a letter from your company stating this  then go to your nearest tax office you will need to fill out a form  then you will be reimbursed  cleaning  costs  its not a lot but its yours

  6. To do this, your clothes have to only for your job, and not wearable in normal life, for example workwear bearing a company logo. Your employer may have to confirm that he doesn't provide laundry facilities at work. When I was working, I couldn't claim. Being in an office job, my clothes were wearable anywhere.

    You don't say what your job is, or what industry you are in. Some jobs have union agreed fixed rate expenses for things like this, and a fixed sum is set. Enquire from your tax office.

    You will only get back your tax percentage. For example, if your allowance is set at £200, you would be £40 better off a year, as the tax rate is 20%.

    You claim by writing to tax office. You don't need to do a Tax Return for this. Staff will need to know your industry, and the nature of your job. Quote your employer's reference and National Insurance Number.

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