
I have been told that head huggers in car seats are no longer acceptable. Have you heard this?

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I have even heard that the hospital will not allow you to leave if your child has it in their car seat when you are leaving the hospital, which is such a joke because its your baby and you can do what you like. I don't understand what the problem with them is. I am in Canada. Anybody have any info or websites?




  1. It's not a joke it's dangerous for your baby and very, very unsafe.  It can do something to their head or neck that can hurt them very badly if you get in a wreck also if they turn their face into it, it could suffocate them

  2. In an accident, the head hugger can slip behind their neck, and supposedly aggravate whiplash, is what I was told.  I have seen some carseats where it is strapped INTO the seat and some where it just floats loosely.  I suppose avoid the loose ones!

  3. i had my son three months ago and they allowed me to have the neck support. if it is a worry that they could suffocate just get a mirror that you can see him through your rearview mirror and if he has his head turned in it then pull over,,,although the eddie bower set that i have had the extra neck support making it tight enough that the head doesnt turn in.

  4. I have not heard that put if you can not leave the hospital with it then after you leave put it in its your baby.

  5. We forgot my daughters at home, we had taken it out to wash it, it came with the carseat. The nurse said we should have one. If they weren't good new carseats wouldn't come with them and they still do. Just call and ask the hospital. Yes its your baby but you have to make sure you are doing what is right.

    Also someone said bumper pads in a crib are illegal? No they arent! They can be dangerous because a baby can become entangled but they aren't illegal, you can still buy them at stores too!

    and if its about suffacation, i alway rode in the back with my baby while she was small if someone else was driving, if i was driving i more than likely had my older daughter to and she knows how to watch out for that.

  6. I have never heard this and my car seat came with one so I don't think this is true. If it is, well then I would listen to the hospital. Yes, its your baby and you can do with it as you like but at the same time, if it could cause some problems with my child, I would say forget it. I did hear though that bumper pads on your crib are illegal so watch this.  

  7. I know we don't have that in America, but most of them come with the carseats and are really secure, but I used the old kind, the ones that didn't secure to the carseat, and I can kinda understand from other posts how they could pose a threat, but without them, baby is going to be sliding its' head down everytime you hit the brakes.  

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