
I have been trying for almost 1yr 1/2 and still no pregnancy. why???

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My husband is 23 has been drinking all his life, i am 20. i have had so many people tell me that my husband is the reason for me not getting pregnant. they say his sperm is low and he is shooting blanks. i guess it is true, but i have had several other people tell me that it will happen when i least expect it. so i just need someone else to tell me otherwise...




  1. you should try to get some pro advice from your doc. really, no matter what the ppl anywhere say, a visit to the doctor has ALWAYS cured whatever! now am i right, or am i right? many ppl have this prob, so they would kno the answers to give you.  

  2. because you r both so young there shouldn't be a problem getting pregnant, or on the other hand you could be stressing out over it.  You should just relax and have fun with it and don't put any stress on it and it will happen when the time is right.  To make you feel better though you could go see a doctor just to make sure there is nothing wrong.

       My friends are going through the same thing and they are your age.

       Just remember to have fun!!!!

  3. There could be many reasons why you seem unable to conceive however if you drink a lot of alcohol it decreases your fertility. If both you and your husband are really serious about having a baby then he needs to stop drinking.

  4. You're TTC with an alcoholic?  In my mind, that's a really bad move.

    TX Mom

  5. try getting hold of 'Prepare to Conceive' CD and you will be pregnant in no time ..

  6. If you've been trying for over a year with no results, it's time to see a doctor. It's much cheaper to get him tested so do that first.

    You don't say how much your husband drinks, but you do say that other people think it may be affecting his health, so that's what I'm basing my comments on.

    I urge you to seriously think about having a child with a man with an alcohol problem. Having a child will not make anything any easier, it only adds more stress!  And you are so young. It's much easier to start over without children than with them. Your baby deserves a father who is not an alcoholic!

  7. If your husband is an alcoholic, there's a really high chance that the alcohol is affecting his sperm count and causing him to shoot blanks. i would try to talk to him to possibly deter drinking while you are TTC or even try to stop drinking altogether, as it would help his health and lifespan in the long run (assuming he's alcoholic or drinks above the recommended amount he should)

  8. It is best if you and your hubby go an get a professional opinion. He can be shooting blanks or you maybe unable to conceive, it is best to get professional advice.

  9. I would suggest you stop worrying how to get pregnant. It took me almost 2years to have my 2months old baby now. I stop thinking of it and it happened in surprised...... Take your time your still young and you have so much time to work on it. I know somebody from our neighborhood who waited 19years of their marriage before they got their now 27yrs.old son.

    Goodluck!!!! and make sure your ready to have that baby with your husband drinking a lot ( it is not good though ).

    Mother of 1  

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