
I have been using soft paws on my kitten but recently, he has started ripping them off?

by  |  earlier

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I feel declawing is cruel, but in an effort to protect my furnishings, I have been using soft paws on my cat, hes been using them just fine for about 3 months and just recently hes started ripping them off. I dont worry when he looses them, I just clean up his paws, trim the claw and apply another one. Lately though, (and I have no idea how he does this) hes been ripping them off, and when the abandoned soft paw comes off... so does his claw. All this leaves him is the inner nerves from the core of his claw and a big bloody, messy, swollen and sore paw. I initially thought it was just an accident, until it happend to three more claws. I cant for the life of me figure out whats happening, I have since stopped using soft paws on him, but the claws that have been ripped off are not growing back, and obviously the nerves are tender. I would imagine its similar to us having a nail ripped off, except its not growing back. I have no idea what to do for him, the vet told me just to keep them clean to prevent infection and his body will do the rest. I dont like seeing him hurt, hes normally a very playfull cat, but he wont even bat around his catnip becuase it hurts him. I dont know what to do. Thank you very much in advance for your help.




  1. Good for you not declawing your cat. It is extremely cruel you are right. I second covering your furniture with blankets when company isn't there. Bonus it will keep cat hair off your furniture.

  2. My suggestion is just to make sure to provide something that is LEGAL to claw on ..

    I put a piece of carpet on a box (which has a lid to store stuff) I also get those cardboard scratchie things ... you get the fall out from it but it is better than having couches scratched.

    I place a comforter/ or afghan along the top of couches so they can't get to the couch... then remove when company comes.

    They also have a cat tree.  They seem to really like sisal rope. & the backs of carpet.

    I have never tried the soft paws and I think my cats would be offended with them too.

    good luck >^..^<

  3. Quit using the claw covers.   I trim my cats' claws instead and provide them with scratching posts.  If that is not workable for you, I would then declaw the cat. Why make him suffer all the time.

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