
I have been waiting over a MONTH for approval to join group TLW_UG. Can SOMEONE please look into this?

by  |  earlier

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  1. If you look at the box at the bottom of the page you will see there were only 3 posts in January and 0 in December.  Looks to me like a dead group.  Maybe it's best forget it and find another group.

  2. no one here can do a thing about it. a group has 14 days to approve pending members. if it get's close to that 14 days, the owner may be MIA and you'll need to consider finding another group.

  3. Unfortunately its up to the moderators to go in and approve it and they can take as long as they want.


    what you need to do is write to this e-mail above and tell them that you have been waitng to join the group. Now if you have not heard anything it can mean two things. One the owner is not longer on the net and two the mod who maybe helping was not given that option to add you. After the 14 day yahoo will remove any pending members but even sometime yahoo doesn't alway remove them after 14 days as it can be 4-5 day later after that

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