
I have been working out a lot and I havent lost any weight...?

by Guest58330  |  earlier

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I have been working out a lot and I haven't lost any weight.

I need to lose at least 30-40 lbs.

I worked out 6 days for 1-2 hrs the first week.

I did 5 the second and 5 the third week.

I do 1 hour cardio and 1 hr weight training.

What gives?

Is this normal?




  1. Stop weighing yourself and measure your efforts by the way your clothes fit.  Since muscle weighs more than fat, the scale may not budge; however, you may be losing inches.

  2. well when i  only excerise i dont loose LIKE ANY weight but when i diet i loose like a lot

    i know dieting is hard but it deff. pays off

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