
I have best friend issues, is he in love with me???

by  |  earlier

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So I have this friend...let's call him...Aiden. Well Aiden and I have been best friends for about four years now. We're both seniors in high school and there has always been talk that he has more feelings for me...which i say is impossible since he has a girlfriend and is in love with her. So anyways today Aiden, me, and two friends of ours were talking, when one of our friends leaned forward and said that he would like to introduce me to one of his buddies from another school, we chatted about it for a few minutes, i agreed to meet this buddy of his and i turned to Aiden and asked what he thought, he snapped at me "i really dont give a s***" i was taken aback...i asked why he was so angry and he replied that it wasnt too hard to figure out...i asked if he was jealous and he replied "What do you think? have you ever noticed that when you talk about other guys i try to tune you out?" now i knew what he was saying...yeah sure he was jealous...but i wanted to hear it from him, not anyone else...i wanted him to say what he felt or didnt feel, so i said ''i dont think i understand what your saying." he replied..."No you dont do you? you never have and probably never will." and then he walked away...but i dont understand why he would say these things when he has a girlfriend....please help?




  1. Ok he is frustrated...ok Im empathetic for you girl....please dont scrap it go to him and talk about it, try toi be sensitive, apologize....just try to salvage the friendship

  2. before this , i also got same situation with u..he also have girlfriend..

    we are so closed until one day, i fall in love with someone else..

    he so angry and try to got my concern more than my boyfriend..

    i give him time to correct all hapened.

    he had change and try to be a good friend for me..

    now we just be a closed friend..

    sometimes friend be better than couples..

  3. he lkes u !!!!  

  4. well, you still have to tell us whether you feel something for him too! cause my opinion will change and my advice will be very different.

    if you like the guy too, then talk! i guess now would be the best time for it! talk about your present situation! if you're going to be his girlfriend, then how about his girlfriend? and would they feel awkward about hanging out together or even knowing  each others secret?

    if you have no feelings for the guy, then just tell him out right that you like having him as a friend and as a brother and that's it! nothing more!

    just be honest with what you feel! talk to him, and explain to him as best you could.

    now remember. what is more important to you? go where your heart tells you!

  5. he probably only has a girlfriend to make you jealous.

    you've got an admirer, girl! and if you like him, i would pull him away from that girlfriend of his and tell him the truth.

    good luck! :]

  6. Having a girlfriend especially in high school, means can like other people..its like a guard. But the fact he has clearly stated his jealousy...means there has to be feelings so yeah you need to sit down with him but most likely he just likes companionship of you..but the relationship will probably ruin the friendship but who knows..

    definately have a sit down with him

  7. you need to tell him that he has a girlfriend and he went out with her i bet to make u jealous so tell him when hes single if you like him that u would love to talk more just tell him what u think is best : )

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