
I have big pecs (man b***s)how do i get rid of them?

by Guest33367  |  earlier

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how can i lose fat on my pecs?




  1. Diet.

  2. well exercise can help, but some guys have a condition known as gynomastoidea or something like that, which is a condition that the breast tissue develops more than normal. if you have this then exercise won't help. id go to your doc.

  3. excersize and diet! its that simple! go to the gym!

    and stop of to a clothes shop and the way and buy a bra :) good luck with the b***s

  4. Exercise - exercise - exercise.  Walking from the sofa to the refrigerator & back does NOT count as exercise!   Get up an hour early every morning so you can briskly walk for 30 minutes & do it again in the evening.  Do sit ups, pull ups, push ups, jump rope & skate boarding or skating.  Eat a healthy diet.  Lay off the starches, breads, pies, cakes, brownies, cookies, sweet soda's, Stay away from Fast Food Restaurants.  Eat plenty of boiled or steamed vegetables.  Meats should be baked, boiled or broiled - never fried.  If you MUST snack between meals, make it celery sticks, grapes, banana's or raw baby carrots.   When the fat begins to peel off, you should be able to tell a noticeable diffrence in your appearance.  It will not happen overnite.  It takes work, work, work to achieve your goal.  It just depends on how bad enough you want to accomplish it. Good Luck.

  5. K, It is natural for a boy to have swelling around the chest area around puberty and no matter what you do it won't go away, so leave it alone and wear baggy shirts and it will go away on it's own

  6. Step1-Having man b***s or man b*****s – whatever you want to call them can be embarrassing and distressing. Sometimes when you are a bit overweight man b***s will tend to develop and lots of people will simply go on a weight loss diet, hoping that this will help them lose them. But as they will have discovered, that is not how to lose man b***s.

    So what are man b***s? The medical name for man b***s is gynecomastia. It comes from the Greek for ‘woman-like breast’ and that’s why the expression was applied to man b***s because, in terms of structure, a man’s breast tissue is pretty much the same as a woman’s. The big difference is that a woman’s breast has milk-secreting glands whereas a man’s doesn’t. The glands are actually present in a man’s breast, but are small and non-functional. The other difference between a man’s breast tissue and a woman’s, is that women have a much greater amount of fat present.

    Step 2-Most of the tissue in a woman’s breast is in fact fat. That’s something to consider next time you’re eyeing up the ladies!

    Now, the percentage of fat present in the breast results from the presence of female hormones in the blood stream. And men have both male and female s*x hormones in their bodies.

    It is the female hormone, estrogen, which causes the development of fatty tissue around the nipple area, creating man b***s. So if you want to know how to lose man b***s, having a clear understanding of this critical hormone balance is very important

    During puberty, when our s*x hormones begin to kick in and this hormonal balance in the body is being established, is when man b***s can initially develop. This is called pubertal gynecomastia and it can last for between six months and a year. After this time, in men the effect testosterone levels begin to dominate over those of estrogen. If the period of pubertal gynecomastia lasts longer than a year and a half then it is possible that fibrous tissue can be laid down in the b*****s. And this can be much more difficult to lose.

    Step3-Man b***s can sometimes result from some form of drug use, typically the anabolic steroids used by body builders. It has bee suggested that about sixty percent of gynecomastia sufferers have developed in this way, rather than through pre-pubertal processes. And it usually those who have been body builders that look for information on how to lose man b***s first.

    Step4-So I hope that it’s clear, that in order to understand how lose man b***s, a program somewhat more focused than a simple how to lose weight course will probably be required. Luckily there are a number of programs available that can assist. They usually combine a special diet with carefully designed exercises that target the thorax specifically. But crucially they also target hormone balance. This is critical if you tend to build up fat to create man b***s.

    This is why these specialist course are so much more successful than ordinary how-to-lose-weight courses.

    Man b***s can distress and embarrass their bearers and many men have been trying to discover how to lose man b***s for ages. Now, for just a few dollars, professionally created programs can be downloaded that can end the problem forever. Read my review at to find out more

  7. Go to the gym and run alot and do alot of Peck muscle workouts like bench press etc. look on some websites before u go on some excesses  

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