
I have blonde hair ands I want to have different colored streeks put in it.......?

by  |  earlier

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Like frost, and all different shades of brown and bloned. I guess they call it "chunking" I dont know how to tell the hair stylist exactly what I want and I wonder if they have to do it in steps so that my hair doesn't turn green or purple from the coloring. I just want advice on how to go about it.




  1. I have very light blonde hair and just had brown lowlights put in at the hairdressers. It toned my hair down lovely but the brown faded after a few days so now it looks like an ashy blonde.

    If your hair is very light it will not grab on to the colours and will fade. You will need to keep getting low lights in so your hair will start to take to the colour. When you get lowlights, choose shades darker than you want in your hair so that when it fades it doesnt look like a washed out colour.

  2. oh look!

    we're twins!

  3. Visit Yahoo! Answers after midnight when the freaks all come out.  That ought to scare some grey streaks into your hair.  Try asking a question and finding it and your account deleted the next day.  That usually adds a good chunk of grey from frustration to my head.

  4. low lights and high lites

  5. I've seen blonde's with black highlights which can be nice, if you can pull it off =]. I also like the brownn streaks to tone down the bright hair color which makes it dirty blonde which is nice too. Oh, or you can do it like christina aguliera with red streaks =O thats cool.

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