
I have borderline personality disorder and Ptsd , and today I feel so bummed out

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I have borderline personality disorder and Ptsd , and today I feel so bummed out

I am on medication for depression effexor XR 225mg and Zyprexa 20mg,

I see my social worker twice a week and my psychiatrist once a month,

But today I have mopped around all day I couldn’t get motivated at all I just feel like its and a end and the sexual abuse gets too me cause I can’t help thinking about it all the time my husband has been trying all day to make me happy and nothing has worked so far! Thanks for letting me vent.

What should I do to get motivated?

What do I do to get happy?

What should I do too fix my problem?




  1. you have alot going on in your life nobody expects you to feel happy or pleased with yourself everyday!

    just take each day as it comes and see how you feel tomorrow

    good luck


  2. Hi there, I have BPD too, The mood swings are a part of it, I know it's not easy and can be frustrating, Maybe going for a walk might help?.I know it's awful feeling low, but I find accepting it's just how you feel right now and it will pass helps, try not too pick on yourself or force yourself to be happy, it's ok to feel sad sometimes. You have to feel the rain to apreaciate the sunshine. All the very best to you, takecare.

  3. You don't have to feel happy everyday. You do need to go on with life, everyday, whether happy or not. Just remember that. Sometimes part of you might even enjoy being unhappy or bathing in self-pity. Try to identify when/if that happens and try to let go of that part.

  4. Sweetie, sounds like you are trying all the right things by seeing a professional.  Has anyone ever talked to you about belief system about yourself. I think you would benefit from this personalized book that affirms you in every way, and the book comes with YOUR name throughout the entire book. Nothing but good positive things written about YOU.

    It can change your life when you can practice and encourage yourself even in your illness. Positive input is sometimes hard to get so you have to give it to yourself. Encourage yourself. Believe things can get better. You are born with  special gifts and special purpose.

    Learn how to teach yourself how to change your beliefs about yourself.

    I think there are many more people who have similar problems as you and don't even realize what's going on.

    I believe this personalized book about you will help you greatly.

    Change your beliefs and your life will change around you. If it is not a cure it certainly will make your life a little better ! This book can only be ordered online at the website below in the source line. It is worth everything if it helps you have a better life. You are a good person, so encourage yourself and see what happens.  I totally believe in getting positive input into your mind. This can be powerful !  Force Feed if you have to but feed yourself positive thoughts, first of all about yourself !

    Blessings my friend !  

  5. I have BPD too, and have been in therapy for a while and still have these same problems from time to time. It's part of the illness. Why not try replacing a thought with another?

       There is no way to "get" happy. The happiest people are the ones that accepts things the way they are, without trying to change things they can do nothing about.

        Maybe try thinking about what you do have rather than things you don't.

         It sounds like your husband's a pretty decent guy, spending all day trying to make you happy. Some spouses lose patience and get angry when the other has a hard time.

  6. Can you join a group therapy day programme? They will probably have something at the hospital. You go daily and do group activities - it is not as bad as it sounds and you would be surprised at the range of people who go. They teach you skills like how to goal set and self motivation, relaxtion etc and you can quickly apply the learning to your own life. Having somewhere to go and 'work on' your issues is useful - especially for days when you feel bummed out as you say. It gives you a postive focus for your recovery - rather then feeling like you are waiting around doing nothing between appointments.

    I have not long started attending a programme and I find it is good - I feel like I am actively getting somewhere where as before whatever I did was dependant on my mood but now I go to the programme - no matter what mood I am in and work with it.

    Ask your social worker/therapist. I have the same diaognosis as you PTSD and BPD as well as depression and anxety mixed in for good measure so I do relate somewhat to how you are feeling. It is bloody hard work.

  7. i think the best thing to do would be to talk to people that have experianced sexual abuse as well. I would also suggest to stop seing a therapist. Sometimes they can just make you think about what happened more and more. Try to forgive the person that did this to you.  

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